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Upgrade Prerequisites

The prerequisites vary depending on your environment. Ensure you follow the correct lists for your specific configurations:

Prerequisites for the Kommander Component

The prerequisites for Kommander consists of two parts, the first section for all environments, and the subsections depend on air-gapped or non-air-gapped, and optional applications. Ensure you follow the correct section for your specific environment type.

All Kommander Environments

For all Kommander environments, regardless of network type and applications, complete these prerequisites:

  • Before upgrading, we strongly recommend reading the release notes and verifying your current setup against any possible breaking changes.

  • Review the Components and Applications versions that are part of this upgrade.

  • Ensure your applications you are running will be compatible with Kubernetes v1.28.x.

  • If you have attached clusters, ensure your applications you are running will be compatible with Kubernetes v1.28.x.

  • Review the list of major Kubernetes changes that may affect your system.

  • Ensure you are attempting to run a supported DKP upgrade.

  • REQUIRED Before upgrading, create an on-demand backup of your current configuration with Velero.

  • Download and install the supported DKP CLI binary of this release on your computer.

The remaining prerequisites are necessary if you have one of the following environments or additions to basic Kommander. Otherwise, proceed to the prerequisites for the Konvoy component.

Air-gapped Kommander Environments Only

If you operate Kommander in an air-gapped environment, complete these prerequisites:

  • There are several sets of images you will need to push to your local registry:

    • The Kommander component - kommander-image-bundle-v2.8.<x>.tar

    • The Konvoy component for Kubernetes cluster - konvoy-image-bundle-v2.8.<x>.tar 

    • Optional: Catalog Applications (Enterprise only) - dkp-catalog-applications-image-bundle-v2.8.<x>.tar

  • For air-gapped environments with catalog applications: Ensure you have updated your catalog repository before upgrading. The catalog repository should contain the Docker registry with the DKP catalog application images and a charts bundle file containing DKP catalog applications charts.

DKP Workspace Catalog Applications Only

If you use any of the DKP Workspace Catalog Applications, complete these prerequisites:

  • Ensure your clusters run on a supported Kubernetes version for this release of DKP, and that said Kubernetes version is also compatible with your catalog application version.

  • For customers with an Enterprise license and a multi-cluster environment, we recommend keeping all clusters on the same Kubernetes version. This ensures your DKP catalog application can run on all clusters in a given workspace.

  • Konvoy installs a new Kubernetes version with each upgrade, therefore it is important that your Catalog application is compatible with the Kubernetes version that comes with this release of DKP.

If your current Catalog application version is not compatible with this release’s Kubernetes version, upgrade the application to a compatible version BEFORE upgrading the Konvoy component on Managed clusters or BEFORE upgrading the Kubernetes version on Attached clusters.

  • For air-gapped environments with catalog applications: Ensure you have updated your catalog repository before upgrading. The catalog repository should contain the Docker registry with the DKP catalog application images and a charts bundle file containing DKP catalog applications charts.

Prerequisites for the Konvoy Component

The prerequisites for Konvoy also consists of two parts, the first section for all environments, and the subsections depend on your network type, air-gapped or non-air-gapped, and optional applications. Ensure you follow the correct section for your specific environment type.

All Konvoy Environments

For all Konvoy environments, regardless of network type and applications, complete these prerequisites:

Air-gapped Konvoy Environments Only

If you operate Konvoy in an air-gapped environment, complete these prerequisites:

  • Check what version of DKP you have downloaded currently using cli command dkp version.

  • Ensure that all platform applications in the management cluster have been upgraded to avoid compatibility issues with the Kubernetes version included in this release. This is done automatically when upgrading Kommander, so ensure that you upgrade Kommander prior to upgrading Konvoy.

  • For air-gapped environments, seed the registry as explained here: Upgrade: For Air-gapped Environments Only

Third-Party and Open Source Attributions

See for a list of third-party and open source attributions.

Next Steps:

Depending on your license type, you will follow the relevant link.

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