4. Enable the TunnelProxy Object in the KommanderCluster: CLI Proxied Access
Ensure you have set the required variables in 2. Prepare your Environment: CLI Proxied Access and created a TunnelProxy object in 3. Create a TunnelProxy Object: CLI Proxied Access before you run the following commands.
Ensure you run the following command on the Management cluster. See Provide Context for Commands with a kubeconfig File for more information around switching cluster contexts.
To enable the TunnelProxy, reference the object in the KommanderCluster object.
On the Management cluster, patch the KommanderCluster
object with the name of the TunnelProxy
you created in the previous page:
kubectl patch --type merge kommanderclusters -n ${WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE} ${NETWORK_RESTRICTED_CLUSTER} --patch "{\"spec\": {\"clusterTunnelProxyConnectorRef\": { \"name\": \"${TUNNEL_PROXY_NAME}\"}}}"