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2. Prepare your Environment: CLI Proxied Access

Establish the following environment variables on the Management cluster.

(info) See Provide Context for Commands with a kubeconfig File for more information around switching cluster contexts.

The following commands allow you to run most commands without replacing the information manually.

  1. Set the WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE environment variable to the name of your network-restricted cluster’s workspace namespace:

    export WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE=<workspace namespace>
  2. Set the variable to the proxy domain through which your cluster should be available:


If you want to use the external-dns service, specify a TUNNEL_PROXY_EXTERNAL_DOMAIN that is within the zones specified in the --domain-filter argument of the external-dns deployment manifest stored on the Management cluster.

For example, if the filter is set to, a possible domain for the TUNNEL_PROXY_EXTERNAL_DOMAIN would be

  1. Establish a variable that points to the name of the network-restricted cluster:
    (info) The name of the network-restricted cluster is established in the KommanderCluster object.

  2. Given that each cluster can only have one proxy domain, reuse the name of the network-restricted cluster for the proxy object:

  3. Obtain the name of the connector and set it to a variable:

    TUNNEL_CONNECTOR_NAME=$(kubectl get kommandercluster -n ${WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE} ${NETWORK_RESTRICTED_CLUSTER} -o template='{{ }}')

Next Step:

3. Create a TunnelProxy Object: CLI Proxied Access

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