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Enable, Customize, or Disable the DKP AI Navigator Cluster Info Agent

Enable the DKP AI Navigator Cluster Info Agent


  • AI Navigator is enabled

  • Assign the Workspace AI Navigator View Role (workspace-ai-navigator-cluster-info-view) role to the user or user group that should have access to cluster-specific information when interacting with the AI Navigator. Refer to Configure Workspace Role Bindings for more information.

Enable the DKP AI Navigator Cluster Info Agent

Enable the Cluster Info Agent application on your Essential or Management cluster as explained in Enable an Application using the UI.

  • Customers with an Enterprise license must ensure they have selected the Management Cluster Workspace before deploying the Agent.

  • The Cluster Info Agent requires a few hours to index the complete cluster dataset. Until then, you can still use the DKP AI Navigator, but it will not include the entire cluster-specific dataset when providing answers.

Customize the DKP AI Navigator Cluster Info Agent

The Cluster Info Agent automatically observes the kommander workspace namespace (that corresponds to the Essential or Management cluster). However, you can configure the agent to scan a broader context, for example, other namespaces, as long as they are in the same workspace.

To customize a AI Navigator Cluster Info Agent installation:

  1. Log in to your DKP UI.

  2. Enterprise only: Select the Management Cluster Workspace from the top navigation bar.

  3. Select Applications from the sidebar and search for AI Navigator Cluster Info Agent.

  4. Select the three-dot menu in the application card, and Edit > Configuration.

  5. Add other namespaces for scanning, following this example:

    watchNamespaces: namespace1,namespace2,namespace3

Uninstall the Cluster Info Agent

Uninstall the Cluster Info Agent application like any other application as explained in Disable an Application using the UI.

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