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Data Privacy FAQs

What happens to my data during an AI Navigator query if the Cluster Info Agent is enabled?

DKP does not store any type of data related to your queries, nor Essential/Management cluster data. Further, no data is stored by the Azure OpenAI Service.  Your data is not available to OpenAI, Nutanix, or any other customers, and your data is not used to improve the OpenAI model. To learn more about the data protection measures in place with the Azure OpenAI Service, click here.

Query-related data collected by the AI Navigator (with Cluster Info Agent enabled) is stored directly in your environment. Here is an overview of what happens during a query:

  1. You make a query requesting information related to your live cluster.

  2. AI Navigator leverages LangChain to retrieve query-relevant data from the Vector store.

  3. AI Navigator sends relevant data from your cluster to our production service to be transmitted and processed by the Azure OpenAI Service.

  4. The Azure OpenAI Service returns an answer to your query while including contextual cluster information.

What type of data is collected and processed?
  • nodes

  • pods

  • services

  • events

  • endpoints

  • deployments

  • statefulsets

  • daemonsets

  • replicasets

  • ingresses

  • jobs

  • cronjobs


For which purpose is my cluster data being processed?

We prioritize your data's privacy and security. When you enable this feature, any potentially sensitive information from your Essential or Management cluster will be securely transmitted and processed by our trusted cloud service provider, Azure OpenAI. This data is used exclusively to add additional context to your queries to provide to the Cluster Info Agent service. We adhere to strict data protection and privacy standards, ensuring responsible handling of your information.

Use of the AI Navigator chatbot with the Cluster Info Agent is governed by the terms of the Nutanix License and Service Agreement, the Nutanix Privacy Statement, and the Azure OpenAI privacy policy.

Do I have control over where or how data is stored?

You cannot modify the way the chatbot processes or stores data. However, the AI Navigator Cluster Info Agent application is opt-in, which means that you can choose to enable or disable it at your discretion.

Your informed consent is paramount, and we ensure clarity by offering a straightforward option to enable or disable this feature according to your preference.

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