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DKP AI Navigator Cluster Info Agent: Obtain Live Cluster Information

Do you want to know which etcd version and image your cluster is using? Inquire about the frequency of a specific CronJob? Or just know which version of Insights you are using?

You no longer need to rely on your DKP and kubectl knowledge to obtain answers. By enabling the Cluster Info Agent, the AI Navigator can get the answers for you.

When enabled, the Cluster Info Agent can fetch live cluster data from your Essential or Management Cluster, and help you find out more about your cluster and its deployments. Just start a new query with the AI Navigator. The answers will then include data related to your cluster’s current status, allowing for enhanced specificity and context, and leading to quicker problem resolution and enhanced productivity.

Like the AI Navigator chatbot, the Cluster Info Agent is offered for Internet-connected environments regardless of DKP license type.

See Data Privacy FAQs for more information around data collection and processing.

To help support heightened security in public sector, defense, and network-restricted customer environments, AI Navigator is not offered for air-gapped implementations.

Cluster Info Agent Infrastructure

For the AI Navigator to be able to obtain live cluster information, it requires two components:

  • ai-navigator-info-api: This is the collector of the application's API service, which performs all data abstraction data structuring services. This component is enabled by default and included in the AI Navigator.

  • ai-navigator-info-agent: After manually enabling this platform application, the agent starts collecting Essential or Management cluster data and injecting it into the Cluster Info Agent database.

Next Topic:

Enable, Customize, or Disable the DKP AI Navigator Cluster Info Agent

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