Enable an Application using the UI

Follow these steps to enable your platform applications from the UI:
From the top menu bar, select your target workspace.
Select Applications from the sidebar to browse through the available applications from your configured repositories.
Select the three-dot button of the desired application card > Enable.
If available, select a version from the drop-down menu. This drop-down menu is only visible if there is more than one version to choose from.
Select the clusters where you want to deploy the application.
For customizations only: to override the default configuration values, select Configuration in the sidebar.
Note: If there are customization Overrides at the workspace and cluster level, they are combined for implementation. Cluster-level Overrides take precedence over Workspace Overrides.To customize an application for all clusters in a workspace, copy your customized values into the text editor under Workspace Application Configuration or upload your YAML file that contains the values:
CODEsomeField: someValue
To add a customization per cluster, copy the customized values into the text editor of each cluster under Cluster Application Configuration Override or upload your YAML file that contains the values:
CODEsomeField: someValue
Confirm the details are correct, and then select the Enable button.
There may be dependencies between the applications, which are listed in the Workspace Platform Application Dependencies documentation. Review them carefully prior to customizing to ensure that the applications are deployed successfully.