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Azure: Create Image

This procedure describes how to use the Konvoy Image Builder (KIB) to create a Cluster API compliant Azure Virtual Machine (VM) Image. The VM Image contains the base operating system you specify and all the necessary Kubernetes components. The Konvoy Image Builder uses variable overrides to specify the base image and container images to use in your new Azure VM image.

The default Azure image is not recommended for use in production. We suggest using KIB for Azure to build the image in order to take advantage of enhanced cluster operations. Explore the Customize your Image topic for more options.

For more information regarding using the image in creating clusters, refer to the Azure Create a New Cluster section of the documentation.


Before you begin, you must:

Extract the KIB Bundle

Extract the bundle and cd into the extracted konvoy-image-bundle-$VERSION_$OS folder. The bundled version of konvoy-image contains an embedded docker image that contains all the requirements for building.

The konvoy-image binary and all supporting folders are also extracted. When extracted, konvoy-image bind mounts the current working directory (${PWD}) into the container to be used.

Build the Image

Run the konvoy-image command to build and validate the image.

konvoy-image build azure --client-id ${AZURE_CLIENT_ID} --tenant-id ${AZURE_TENANT_ID} --overrides override-source-image.yaml images/azure/ubuntu-2004.yaml

By default, the image builder builds in the westus2 location. To specify another location set the --location flag (shown in example below is how to change the location to eastus):

konvoy-image build azure --client-id ${AZURE_CLIENT_ID} --tenant-id ${AZURE_TENANT_ID} --location eastus --overrides override-source-image.yaml images/azure/centos-7.yaml

When the command is complete, the image id is printed and written to the ./packer.pkr.hcl file. This file has an artifact_id field whose value provides the name of the image. You should then specify this image id when creating the cluster.

Image Gallery

By default Konvoy Image Builder will create a Resource Group, Gallery, and Image Name to store the resulting image in. To specify a specific Resource Group, Gallery, or Image Name flags may be specified:

--gallery-image-locations string     a list of locations to publish the image (default same as location)
--gallery-image-name string          the gallery image name to publish the image to
--gallery-image-offer string         the gallery image offer to set (default "dkp")
--gallery-image-publisher string     the gallery image publisher to set (default "dkp")
--gallery-image-sku string           the gallery image sku to set
--gallery-name string                the gallery name to publish the image in (default "dkp")
--resource-group string              the resource group to create the image in (default "dkp")

When creating your cluster, you will then add this flag during the create process for your custom image: --compute-gallery-id "<Managed Image Shared Image Gallery Id>". The SKU and Image Name will default to the values found in the image YAML.

More customization options:

Next Step:

Azure: Create the Management Cluster

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