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Essential: Upgrade the Essential Cluster and Platform Applications

This section describes how to upgrade your Kommander Management cluster and all Platform Applications to their supported versions in air-gapped, non-air-gapped and on-prem environments. To prevent compatibility issues, you must first upgrade the Kommander component on your Essential Cluster before upgrading to DKP.

It is important you upgrade Kommander BEFORE upgrading the Kubernetes version. This ensures that any changes required for new or changed Kubernetes API’s are already present.

Upgrade Kommander


Limited availability of DKP resources

  • If you have configured a custom domain, running the upgrade command could result in an inaccessibility of your services via your custom domain for a few minutes.

  • The DKP UI and other APIs may be inconsistent or unavailable until the upgrade is complete.


Use the DKP CLI to upgrade Kommander and all the Platform Applications in the Management Cluster:

For air-gapped environments:
dkp upgrade kommander \
--charts-bundle ./application-charts/dkp-kommander-charts-bundle-v2.6.1.tar.gz \
--kommander-applications-repository ./application-repositories/kommander-applications-v2.6.1.tar.gz

The output looks similar to this:

✓ Ensuring upgrading conditions are met
✓ Ensuring application definitions are updated
✓ Ensuring helm-mirror implementation is migrated to ChartMuseum
For non-air-gapped environments:
dkp upgrade kommander

If you want to disable the AI Navigator, add the flag --disable-appdeployments ai-navigator-app to this command.

The output looks similar to this:

✓ Ensuring upgrading conditions are met
✓ Ensuring application definitions are updated
✓ Ensuring helm-mirror implementation is migrated to ChartMuseum


  1. If the upgrade fails, run the following command to get more information on the upgrade process:

    dkp upgrade kommander -v 6
  2. If you find any HelmReleases in a “broken” release state such as “exhausted” or “another rollback/release in progress”, you can trigger a reconciliation of the HelmRelease using the following commands:

    kubectl -n kommander patch helmrelease <HELMRELEASE_NAME> --type='json' -p='[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/suspend", "value": true}]'
    kubectl -n kommander patch helmrelease <HELMRELEASE_NAME> --type='json' -p='[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/suspend", "value": false}]'

Next Step:

Essential: Upgrade the Cluster CAPI Components

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