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DKP Insights Upgrade from DKP 2.5.x to 2.6.0

DKP Insights does not support upgrades towards 2.6.0.

To go from the previous version to this version, you must delete the previous DKP Insights instance, upgrade DKP and install the more recent DKP Insights version. This means that data is not migrated, existing alerts are not preserved and Insights-related data is lost.

DKP Insights does not support upgrades towards 2.6.0. However, it does support upgrades from 2.6.0 to later versions.


DKP Insights consists of two applications:

  • The Insights Management application - This application is upgraded automatically as part of the DKP upgrade.

  • The Insights Engine application - This application must be deleted before the DKP upgrade, and re-installed after the DKP upgrade.


  1. Uninstall all DKP Insights Engines

  2. Upgrade DKP

  3. Install the latest version of Insights on the latest version of DKP

The Insights Management and Engine are not able to communicate with each other until they are upgraded to the same DKP Insights version. D2iQ recommends not resolving Insight alerts until the full DKP Insights upgrade has been completed.

Uninstall all DKP Insights Engines

  1. Set the WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE environment variable to the name of your workspace’s namespace:

    export WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE=<workspace_namespace>
  2. Disable all DKP Insights Engine applications in the same way you would disable any other application. Disable those instances per cluster via the UI or CLI.

  3. Delete all remaining data from the Engine clusters on any managed or attached clusters. To execute the following command:
    (info) Ensure your configuration references the cluster where the Insights Engine is installed. See (2.6) Provide Context for Commands with a kubeconfig File for more information.
    (info) Ensure your configuration references the correct ${WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE}.

    kubectl delete pvc \
    data-dkp-insights-postgresql-0 \
    data-dkp-insights-seaweedfs-volume-0 \
    data-dkp-insights-seaweedfs-volume-1 \
    data-dkp-insights-seaweedfs-volume-2 \
    data-filer-dkp-insights-seaweedfs-filer-0 \
    data-${WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE}-dkp-insights-seaweedfs-master-0 \
    logs-dkp-insights-seaweedfs-volume-0 \
    logs-dkp-insights-seaweedfs-volume-1 \
    logs-dkp-insights-seaweedfs-volume-2 \
    seaweedfs-filer-log-volume-dkp-insights-seaweedfs-filer-0 \
    seaweedfs-master-log-volume-dkp-insights-seaweedfs-master-0 \
  4. Delete Insights-related data:

    kubectl delete insights --all -A 

Delete the Git Repository Object

In DKP 2.5 and earlier versions, you deployed DKP Insights from a gitrepository. Delete this Kubernetes object as well.

  1. Retrieve the gitrepositories that you will need to delete:

    kubectl get gitrepository -A |grep insights-catalog-applications
  2. Delete the object:
    (info) In the following example, the command deletes the gitrepository from the kommander workspace (Management cluster or Essential cluster workspace):

    kubectl delete gitrepository insights-catalog-applications -n kommander

    (info) Delete all gitrepository instances of insights-catalog-applications in all applicable namespaces.

  3. Confirm that the gitrepository has been deleted by verifying that it no longer exists:

    kubectl get gitrepository -A |grep insights-catalog-applications

If the gitrepository is not removed with the previous steps, delete the finalizers to ensure the gitrepository is cleaned up:

(info) In the following example, the command deletes the gitrepository from the kommander workspace (Management cluster or Essential cluster workspace):

kubectl patch gitrepository -n kommander insights-catalog-applications \
    --type json \
    --patch='[ { "op": "remove", "path": "/metadata/finalizers" } ]'

(info) Delete all gitrepository instances of insights-catalog-applications in all applicable namespaces.

Upgrade DKP

(2.6) Upgrade DKP → The Insights Management application upgrades automatically.

Install the new Version of Insights

Install DKP Insights → Activate the license key and install the Insights Engine application in one or several clusters, depending on your license and environment.

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