Custom Installation and Additional Infrastructure Tools
The Konvoy component of DKP can be customized for different environments and infrastructures depending on your network technology choices. If you have already installed using Day 1 - Basic Installs by Infrastructure instructions, you may find helpful tools in this section. However, if you have not already installed DKP with the Basic Install instructions, find your infrastructure and begin the process of custom DKP installation in this area. See the following sections for more information on custom settings:
AWS Infrastructure
- AWS Prerequisites
- AWS Konvoy Image Builder
- Minimal Permissions and Role to Create Clusters
- Cluster IAM Policies, Roles, and Artifacts
- AWS Cluster Creation Choices
- Delete an AWS Cluster
- Multiple AWS Accounts
- GPUs in an AWS environment
- Manage AWS Node Pools
- AWS Certificate Renewal
- Configure Infrastructure in UI
- Replace an AWS Node
EKS Infrastructure
- EKS Introduction
- Minimal User Permission for EKS Cluster Creation
- EKS Cluster IAM Permissions and Roles
- Create an EKS Cluster from the CLI
- Create an EKS Cluster from the DKP UI
- Grant Cluster Access
- Explore EKS Cluster
- Manage EKS Nodepools
- Delete EKS Cluster from CLI
- Delete EKS Cluster from the DKP UI
Pre-provisioned Infrastructure
- Advanced Workflow
- Pre-provisioned Prerequisite Configuration
- Pre-provisioned Air-gapped Define Environment
- Pre-provisioned Set Infrastructure
- Pre-provisioned Define Control Plane Endpoint
- Pre-provisioned Create Secrets and Overrides
- Pre-provisioned Bootstrap Cluster
- Pre-provisioned Create a New Cluster
- Pre-provisioned Azure only Configurations
- Pre-provisioned Modify the Calico Installation
- Pre-provisioned Built-in Virtual IP
- Provision on the Flatcar Linux OS
- Pre-provisioned Use HTTP Proxy
- Pre-provisioned Use Alternate Pod or Service Subnets
- Pre-provisioned: Make Cluster Self-managed
- Pre-provisioned Configure MetalLB
- Pre-provisioned Create and Delete Node Pools
- Pre-provisioned Add Nodes to Existing Node Pool
- GPU Nodepools in a Pre-provisioned Environment
- Pre-provisioned Delete Cluster
vSphere Infrastructure
- vSphere Prerequisites
- Create a Base OS image in vSphere
- Create a VM Template
- vSphere Bootstrap
- Create new vSphere Cluster
- Explore a vSphere Cluster
- Make vSphere Cluster Self-Managed
- Configure MetalLB for a vSphere infrastructure
- Install vSphere Air-Gapped
- vSphere Certificate Renewal
- Delete vSphere Cluster
- Manage vSphere Node Pools