Pre-provisioned Built-in Virtual IP
As explained in Define the Control Plane Endpoint, we recommend using an external load balancer for the control plane endpoint, but provide a built-in virtual IP when an external load balancer is not available. The built-in virtual IP uses the kube-vip project. To use the virtual IP, add these flags to the create cluster
Virtual IP Configuration | Flag |
Network interface to use for Virtual IP. Must exist on all control plane machines. |
IPv4 address. Reserved for use by the cluster. |
Virtual IP example
dkp create cluster preprovisioned \
--cluster-name ${CLUSTER_NAME} \
--control-plane-endpoint-host \
--virtual-ip-interface eth1
--pre-provisioned-inventory-file preprovisioned_inventory.yaml
--ssh-private-key-file <path-to-ssh-private-key>