EKS Install

This section provides instructions to install DKP with EKS in an AWS non-air-gapped environment.
If not already done, refer to Get Started section of the documentation for:
Ensure that the KUBECONFIG
environment variable is set to the Management cluster by running export KUBECONFIG=<Management_cluster_kubeconfig>.conf
AWS prerequisites
Before you begin using DKP with AWS, you must have:
A Management cluster with the Kommander component installed.
An EKS cluster cannot be a Management or Essential cluster. To install DKP on your EKS cluster, first ensure you have a Management cluster with DKP and the Kommander component installed, that handles the lifecycle of your EKS cluster.
You have a valid AWS account with credentials configured that can manage CloudFormation Stacks, IAM Policies, and IAM Roles.
You will need to have the AWS CLI utility installed.
Install aws-iam-authenticator. This binary is used to access your cluster using kubectl.
In order to install Kommander, you need to have CAPI components, cert-manager, etc on a self-managed cluster. The CAPI components mean you can control the lifecycle of the cluster, and other clusters. However, because EKS is semi-managed by AWS, the EKS clusters are under AWS control and don’t have those components. Therefore, Kommander will not be installed and these clusters will be attached to the management cluster.