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vSphere Air-gapped Seed the Registry

Before creating an air-gapped Kubernetes cluster, you need to load the required images in a local registry for the Konvoy component. This registry must be accessible from both the bastion machine and either the AWS EC2 instances (if deploying to AWS) or other machines that will be created for the Kubernetes cluster.

If you do not already have a local registry set up, please refer to Local Registry Tools page for more information.

  1. If not already done in prerequisites, download the air-gapped bundle dkp-air-gapped-bundle_v2.7.2_linux_amd64.tar.gz , and extract the tarball to a local directory:

    tar -xzvf dkp-air-gapped-bundle_v2.7.2_linux_amd64.tar.gz
  2. The directory structure after extraction can be accessed in subsequent steps using commands to access files from different directories. EX: For the bootstrap cluster, change your directory to the dkp-<version> directory similar to example below depending on your current location:

    cd dkp-v2.7.2
  3. Set an environment variable with your registry address and any other needed variables using this command:

    export REGISTRY_URL="<https/http>://<registry-address>:<registry-port>"
    export REGISTRY_USERNAME=<username>
    export REGISTRY_PASSWORD=<password>
    export REGISTRY_CA=<path to the cacert file on the bastion>
  4. Execute the following command to load the air-gapped image bundle into your private registry using any of the relevant flags to apply variables above:

    dkp push bundle --bundle ./container-images/konvoy-image-bundle-v2.7.2.tar --to-registry=${REGISTRY_URL} --to-registry-username=${REGISTRY_USERNAME} --to-registry-password=${REGISTRY_PASSWORD}

It may take some time to push all the images to your image registry, depending on the performance of the network between the machine you are running the script on and the registry.

NOTE: To use ECR, set an environment variable with your registry address for ECR:

export REGISTRY_URL=<ecr-registry-URI>
  • REGISTRY_URL: the address of an existing local registry accessible in the VPC that the new cluster nodes will be configured to use a mirror registry when pulling images.

  • The environment where you are running the dkp push command must be authenticated with AWS in order to load your images into ECR.

Next Step

vSphere Create an Air-gapped Bootstrap Cluster

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