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Introducing the D2iQ Kubernetes Platform (DKP)

As the leading independent Kubernetes Management Platform in production, the D2iQ Kubernetes Platform (DKP) provides a holistic approach and a complete set of enterprise-grade technologies, services, training, and support to build and run applications in production at scale. Built around the open-source Cluster API, the new version of DKP becomes the single, centralized point of control for an organization’s application infrastructure, empowering organizations to more easily deploy, manage, and scale Kubernetes workloads in Day 2 production environments.

Kubernetes Done Right



Container Orchestration

Leverage an industry standard distribution of open-source Kubernetes for cluster and container management.

Application Management and Deployment

Deploy applications and services within Kubernetes clusters with Helm.


Gain deep insight into your Kubernetes clusters and applications with open source metrics leveraging Telegraf, Prometheus, and Grafana.

Cluster API

Automate cluster lifecycle management using Cluster API to simplify the provisioning, upgrading, and operating many Kubernetes clusters across a wide range of distributions and virtual and physical environments.

Cluster Autoscaling

Save operational costs by automatically scaling down capacity when it’s not needed and adding capability when there is greater demand, with CAPI enabled autoscaling groups.


Collect and analyze logs and metrics to ensure optimal performance and troubleshooting with Grafana, Loki, and Fluentbit.

Cloud-Native Scale Testing

Extensive integration and workload testing at massive scale with a wide range of workloads to ensure real-world preparedness.

Networking and Routing

Easily automate and expose application endpoints with Calico, Traefik, and CoreDNS.

Fine-Grained Cluster

Upgrades reduce operational overhead with non-disruptive patching or parallel worker node upgrades.

Backup and Recovery

Ensure business continuity and disaster recovery with Velero.

Declarative Automated Installer With Day 2 Platform Services

Accelerate time-to-production on any infrastructure with consistency and reliability with the required platform applications needed for Day 2 production.

Operate in Air-gapped Environments

Leverage declarative APIs to optimize cluster resources for cost, resilience, and performance.

End-to-End Support

Enterprise-grade support and services for both Kubernetes and its supported platform applications.

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