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UI: Finish Attaching the Existing Cluster

These pages refer to DKP Enterprise and DKP Gov Advanced products.

How to apply the kubeconfig file to create the network tunnel to attach a network-restricted cluster

After you have configured your cluster’s attachment in UI: Attach a Network-Restricted Cluster, finalize attaching the cluster. Now you must apply the generated manifest to create the network tunnel and complete the attachment process:

  1. Select the Download Manifest link to download the file you generated previously.

  2. Copy the kubectl apply command from the UI and paste into your terminal session, DO NOT run it yet.

  3. Ensure you substitute the actual name of the file for the variable. Also ensure you use the --kubeconfig=<managed_cluster_kubeconfig.conf> flag to run the command on the Attached or Managed cluster. Run the command.
    :note: Running this command starts the attachment process, which may take several minutes to complete. The Cluster details page will be displayed automatically when the cluster attachment process completes.

  4. Optional: Select the Verify Connection to Cluster button to send a request to Kommander to refresh the connection information. You can use this option to check to see if the connection is complete, though the Cluster Details page displays automatically when the connection is complete.

After the initial connection is made, and your cluster becomes viewable as attached in the DKP UI, the attachment, federated add-ons, and platform services will still need to be completed. This may take several additional minutes. If a cluster has limited resources to deploy all the federated platform services, the installation of the federated resources will fail, and the cluster may become unreachable in the DKP UI. If this happens, check whether there are any pods that are not getting the resources required.

Next Step:

Now you can learn how to Use the Network-restricted Cluster (this approach uses the CLI).

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