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Verify and Troubleshoot the Domain and Certificate Customization

If you want to ensure the customization for a domain and certificate is completed, or if you want to obtain more information on the status of the customization, display the status information for the KommanderCluster. On the Management cluster:

  1. Inspect the modified KommanderCluster object:

    kubectl describe kommandercluster -n <workspace_name> <cluster_name>
  2. If the ingress is still being provisioned, the output looks similar to this:

      Last Transition Time:  2022-06-24T07:48:31Z
      Message:               Ingress service object was not found in the cluster
      Reason:                IngressServiceNotFound
      Status:                False
      Type:                  IngressAddressReady

    If the provisioning has been completed, the output looks similar to this:

      Last Transition Time:  2022-06-28T13:43:33Z
      Message:               Ingress service address has been provisioned
      Reason:                IngressServiceAddressFound
      Status:                True
      Type:                  IngressAddressReady
      Last Transition Time:  2022-06-28T13:42:24Z
      Message:               Certificate is up to date and has not expired
      Reason:                Ready
      Status:                True
      Type:                  IngressCertificateReady

    The same command also prints the actual customized values for the KommanderCluster.Status.Ingress. Here is an example:

        caBundle: LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBD...<output has been shortened>...DQVRFLS0tLS0K

Related topics:

Why to set up a Custom Domain or Certificate?

Configure the Kommander Installation with a Custom Domain and Certificate

Certificate Issuer and KommanderCluster Concepts

Advanced Configuration: ClusterIssuer

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