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Pre-provisioned Use HTTP Proxy

When you require HTTP proxy configurations, you can apply them during the create operation by adding the appropriate flags to the dkp create cluster command.

If your environment uses HTTP/HTTPS proxies, you must include the flags --http-proxy, --https-proxy, and --no-proxy and their related values in this command for it to be successful. Prior to DKP 2.6, you had to specify the HTTP proxy in the KIB override setup and then again in the dkp create cluster command. After DKP 2.6, an HTTP proxy gets created from the Konvoy flags for the control plane proxy and workers proxy values. The flags in the DKP command for Pre-provisioned clusters populate a Secret automatically in the bootstrap cluster. That Secret has a known name that the Pre-provisioned controller finds and applies when it runs the KIB provisioning job.

More information is available in Configuring an HTTP/HTTPS Proxy.

Proxy configuration


HTTP proxy for control plane machines

--control-plane-http-proxy string

HTTPS proxy for control plane machines

--control-plane-https-proxy string

No Proxy list for control plane machines

--control-plane-no-proxy strings

HTTP proxy for worker machines

--worker-http-proxy string

HTTPS proxy for worker machines

--worker-https-proxy string

No Proxy list for worker machines

--worker-no-proxy strings

You must also add the same configuration as an override. For more information, refer to this documentation.

HTTP Proxy Example

dkp create cluster preprovisioned \
    --cluster-name ${CLUSTER_NAME} \
    --control-plane-http-proxy \
    --control-plane-https-proxy \
    --control-plane-no-proxy ",,,kubernetes,kubernetes.default.svc,kubernetes.default.svc.cluster,kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local,.svc,.svc.cluster,.svc.cluster.local" \
    --worker-http-proxy \
    --worker-https-proxy \
    --worker-no-proxy ",,,kubernetes,kubernetes.default.svc,kubernetes.default.svc.cluster,kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local,.svc,.svc.cluster,.svc.cluster.local"

Related Topic

Pre-Provisioned Override Files

Next Step

Pre-provisioned Use Alternate Pod or Service Subnets

If none of the customizations apply, continue to installation instructions for your environment:

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