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Pre-provisioned Cluster Creation Customization Choices

Below are a some methods to customize your cluster during creation. If none of these choices apply, skip this page and proceed to either section:

Section Topics

When creating clusters, many options are available such as those listed in this section of the documentation. A brief explanation of each choice is given in the following topic summaries with a link to the more descriptive page for that topic. To use these, proceed to the cluster choice page for detailed instructions:

Single-Node control plane

Do not use a single-node control plane in a production cluster.

A control plane with one node can use its single node as the endpoint, so you will not require an external load balancer, or a built-in virtual IP. At least one control plane node must always be running. Therefore, to upgrade a cluster with one control plane node, a spare machine must be available in the control plane inventory. This machine is used to provision the new node before the old node is deleted.

Modify Control Plane Audit logs settings using the information contained in the page Configuring the Control Plane.

When the API server endpoints are defined, you can create the cluster.

Next Step

If none of the customizations above applies, continue to installation instructions for your environment:

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