Field |
Description |
Scheme |
Required |
name |
string |
true |
namespace |
string |
false |
ClusterReference holds a single reference to clusters provisioned via Kommander. Only one field is allowed to be set. Currently, only CAPI clusters are creatable, but this is left extensible for other provider types in the future.
Field |
Description |
Scheme |
Required |
capiCluster |
false |
GenericClusterReference sets the name of the cluster.
Field |
Description |
Scheme |
Required |
name |
string |
true |
IngressSpec holds settings for the cluster's Kommander managed Ingress.
Field |
Description |
Scheme |
Required |
certificateSecretRef |
CertificateSecretRef is a reference to a secret of type TLS that holds a TLS certificate, private key and CA certificate. The certificate must be valid for the Ingress hostname. The secret must be located in the workspace's namespace on the target cluster. |
false | |
hostname |
Hostname can be set to configure the cluster's Ingress with a custom domain name. |
string |
false |
issuerRef |
IssuerRef is a reference to an |
false |
IngressSpec holds information about the cluster's Kommander managed Ingress.
Field |
Description |
Scheme |
Required |
address |
Address is the main DNS name or IP address of the cluster's Ingress that should be used to access services on the cluster. If the field is empty, it means that the load balancer hasn't been populated yet. |
string |
false |
caBundle |
CABundle is a PEM encoded CA bundle which should be used to verify the TLS connection for the Ingress-served end-entity certificate. |
[...]byte |
false |
useSystemCA |
UseSystemCA is set to true if the Ingress end-entity certificate was issued by a public CA and it is expected that the root CA cert is included in a OS CA bundle (which should be used for TLS verification in that case). If this field is |
bool |
false |
IssuerReference is a reference to an issuer with a given name, kind and group.
Field |
Description |
Scheme |
Required |
group |
Group of the issuer being referred to. |
string |
false |
kind |
Kind of the issuer being referred to. |
string |
false |
name |
Name of the issuer being referred to. |
string |
true |
KommanderCluster is the Schema for the kommander clusters API.
Field |
Description |
Scheme |
Required |
metadata |
false | |
spec |
false | |
status |
false |
KommanderClusterList contains a list of Cluster.
Field |
Description |
Scheme |
Required |
metadata |
false | |
items |
[...]KommanderCluster |
true |
KommanderClusterSpec defines the desired state of Cluster.
Field |
Description |
Scheme |
Required |
clusterRef |
false | |
clusterTunnelConnectorRef |
ClusterTunnelConnectorRef is a reference to TunnelConnector that should be used for connecting to cluster. |
false | |
clusterTunnelProxyConnectorRef |
ClusterTunnelProxyConnectorRef is a reference to TunnelProxy that should be used for connecting to the cluster. |
false | |
ingress |
Ingress configures the Kommander managed Ingress. If no value is provided, the default ingress will be provisioned. |
false | |
kubeconfigRef |
false | |
namespaceRef |
NamespaceRef will override the namespace on target cluster for the given Workspace. This is used in special circumstances such as when an essential cluster is attached and thus implicitly demoted from being a management cluster to a managed cluster thus forcing the kommander namespace to be recycled as the underlying workspace namespace. |
false |
KommanderClusterStatus defines the observed state of Cluster.
Field |
Description |
Scheme |
Required |
type |
ClusterType represents the type of the cluster. E.g. EKS, GKE, etc. |
string |
false |
conditions |
[...]metav1.Condition |
false |
dextfaclientRef |
DexTFAClientRef holds a reference to a DexClient provisioned for Traefik Forward Auth running on managed cluster. |
false | |
ingress |
Ingress holds information about the cluster's Ingress |
false | |
kubefedclusterRef |
KubefedClusterRef holds a reference to a kubefedcluster in the kubefed system namespace. |
false | |
clusterId |
KubernetesClusterID is the stable cluster ID of the Kubernetes cluster that this Kommander cluster represents. |
string |
false |
kubernetesVersion |
KubernetesVersion is the Kubernetes version of the cluster. |
string |
false |
phase |
Phase represents the current phase of cluster actuation. E.g. Pending, Provisioning, Provisioned, Deleting, Failed, etc. |
string |
false |
serviceEndpoints |
ServiceEndpoints will be the addresses assigned to the Kubernetes exposed services |
object |
false |
License is the Schema for the licenses API.
Field |
Description |
Scheme |
Required |
metadata |
false | |
spec |
false | |
status |
false |
Field |
Description |
Scheme |
Required |
lastTransitionTime |
false | |
message |
string |
false |
reason |
string |
false |
status |
string |
true |
type |
string |
true |
Field |
Description |
Scheme |
Required |
licenseArn |
LicenseArn is a fully qualified AWS arn to a license for Kommander. |
string |
false |
Field |
Description |
Scheme |
Required |
awsLicense |
AWSLicense holds a single reference to a license in AWS's License Manager |
false | |
type |
Type is the source of the external license referenced, i.e. AWS, GCP, Azure |
string |
true |
LicenseList contains a list of License.
Field |
Description |
Scheme |
Required |
metadata |
false | |
items |
[...]License |
true |
LicenseSpec defines the desired state of License.
Field |
Description |
Scheme |
Required |
externalLicenseRef |
ExternalLicenseRef holds a reference to an external license |
false | |
licenseRef |
LicenseReference holds a single reference to the secret holding the license JWT |
false | |
nutanixLicenseRef |
NutanixLicenseReference holds a single reference to the secret holding the license |
false |
LicenseStatus defines the observed state of License.
Field |
Description |
Scheme |
Required |
clusterCapacity |
Maximum number of clusters that the license allows. |
int32 |
true |
conditions |
Conditions relevant to the license (currently used to track term breaches) |
[...]LicenseCondition |
false |
coreCapacity |
Maximum number of cores that the license allows. |
int32 |
true |
customerId |
The customer's ID. This is the customer name provided from Salesforce. |
string |
true |
dkpLevel |
The DKP license level. |
string |
true |
endDate |
End date of the licensing period. |
false | |
licenseId |
The license's ID as provided from Salesforce. |
string |
true |
productName |
The product name the license is for. |
string |
true |
productSKU |
The product SKU the license is for. |
string |
true |
startDate |
Start date of the licensing period. |
false | |
valid |
Indicates whether the license is valid, i.e. the secret containing the JWT exists and the JWT carries a valid D2iQ signature. This does NOT indicate whether the license has expired or terms have been breached. |
bool |
true |
version |
The license's version ID as provided when the license was created. |
string |
true |
PlacementSelector defines the fields to select clusters where to apply the project.
Field |
Description |
Scheme |
Required |
clusterSelector |
false | |
clusters |
false |
VirtualGroup is the Schema for the virtualgroups API.
Field |
Description |
Scheme |
Required |
metadata |
false | |
spec |
false |
VirtualGroupClusterRoleBinding is the Schema for the virtualgroupclusterrolebindings API.
Field |
Description |
Scheme |
Required |
metadata |
false | |
spec |
true |
VirtualGroupClusterRoleBindingList contains a list of VirtualGroupClusterRoleBinding.
Field |
Description |
Scheme |
Required |
metadata |
false | |
items |
true |
VirtualGroupClusterRoleBindingSpec defines the desired state of VirtualGroupClusterRoleBinding.
Field |
Description |
Scheme |
Required |
clusterRoleRef |
true | |
placement |
false | |
virtualGroupRef |
true |
VirtualGroupList contains a list of VirtualGroup.
Field |
Description |
Scheme |
Required |
metadata |
false | |
items |
[...]VirtualGroup |
true |
VirtualGroupSpec defines the desired state of VirtualGroup.
Field |
Description |
Scheme |
Required |
subjects |
[...]rbacv1.Subject |
false |