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Installing Kommander by Environment

This section provides installation instructions for the Kommander component of DKP according to your environment type.

BEFORE you install the Kommander component, answer the following three questions:

1. Is your Environment Air-gapped or Non-Air-gapped?

In an air-gapped environment, your environment is isolated from unsecured networks, like the Internet.

In a non-air-gapped environment, your environment has two-way access to and from the Internet.

See Air-gapped or Non-air-gapped Environment? for more information.

2. What License do you Have?

DKP Essential and DKP Government Essential are self-managed single-cluster Kubernetes solutions that give you a feature-rich, easy-to-deploy, and easy-to-manage entry-level cloud container platform. The DKP Essential and DKP Gov licenses give the user access to the entire Konvoy cluster environment, and to the Kommander platform application manager.

DKP Enterprise and DKP Government Advanced are multi-cluster solutions centered around a management cluster that manage multiple attached or managed Kubernetes clusters via a centralized management dashboard. For this license type, you will determine whether or not to use the DKP Catalog applications.

See Licenses for more information.

3. Do you Want to Enable DKP Insights?

DKP Insights is a predictive analytics capability that detects anomalies that occur either in the present or future and generates an alert in the DKP UI.

See DKP Insights for more information.

4. Decide Whether to Install the AI Navigator Application

The AI Navigator is an AI chatbot that offers real-time, interactive communication to answer a wide range of user queries, spanning basic instructions to complex functionalities. DKP installs this application by default in non-air-gapped environments. However, you can disable it, if desired, as part of the installation of the DKP Kommander component.

Typically, we recommend that you generate a Kommander configuration file, so that you can customize the configuration prior to installing Kommander. You can use this method to disable AI Navigator. If you prefer to use a CLI approach to the installation, there is also a flag for disabling the application.

For security purposes, AI Navigator is not installed for air-gapped environments.

Next Step:

Identify or Change your Default StorageClass

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