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Azure HTTP Proxy

When creating a DKP cluster in environments that use an HTTP/HTTPS proxy, you must provide proxy details. The proxy values are strings that list a set of proxy servers, URLs, or wildcard addresses that is specific to your environment.

If your environment uses HTTP/HTTPS proxies, you must include the flags and their related values in commands for the proxy to be successful throughout various steps of installation:

  • --http-proxy

  • --https-proxy

  • --no-proxy

To create a proxied environment, you need to include flags at these action item points:

  • Bootstrap cluster

  • CAPI components

  • Cluster creation

  • DKP Kommander component

Create the bootstrap cluster and CAPI components using the appropriate commands, dkp create bootstrap and dkp create capi-components respectively, combined with the command line flags to include your HTTP/S proxy information.

You can also specify HTTP/S proxy information in an override file when using Konvoy Image Builder (KIB).

Without these values provided as part of the relevant dkp create command, DKP cannot create the requisite parts of your new cluster correctly. This is true of both management and managed clusters alike.

For full HTTP Proxy configuration, you need to specify proxy settings using all the details in the Configuring an HTTP/HTTPS Proxysection of the documentation for:

HTTP Proxy Cluster Example

 dkp create cluster azure \
  --cluster-name ${CLUSTER_NAME} \
  --control-plane-http-proxy="${CONTROL_PLANE_HTTP_PROXY}" \
  --control-plane-https-proxy="${CONTROL_PLANE_HTTPS_PROXY}" \
  --control-plane-no-proxy="${CONTROL_PLANE_NO_PROXY}" \
  --worker-http-proxy="${WORKER_HTTP_PROXY}" \
  --worker-https-proxy="${WORKER_HTTPS_PROXY}" \

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Azure Output Directory YAML

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