vSphere FIPS Air-gapped: Create the Management Cluster
The instructions on this page will generate a self-managed air-gapped cluster to be used as the Management cluster. A self-managed cluster refers to one in which the CAPI resources and controllers that describe and manage it are running on the same cluster they are managing.
Deploying a Cluster in FIPS mode
In order to create a cluster in FIPS mode, we must inform the bootstrap controllers of the appropriate image repository and version tags of the official D2iQ FIPS builds of Kubernetes.
Supported FIPS Builds
Component | Repository | Version |
Kubernetes | v1.27.11+fips.0 | |
etcd | 3.5.10+fips.0 |
Name your Cluster
Give your cluster a unique name suitable for your environment. The cluster name may only contain the following characters:
, and-
. Cluster creation will fail if the name has capital letters. See Kubernetes for more naming information.Set the CLUSTER_NAME environment variable with the command:
export CLUSTER_NAME=<my-vsphere-cluster>
DKP uses the vsphere CSI driver as the default storage provider. Use a Kubernetes CSI compatible storage that is suitable for production.
Create a New vSphere Kubernetes Cluster
The below instructions tell you how to create a cluster and have it automatically attach to the workspace you set above.
If you do not set a workspace, it will be created in the default
workspace, and you need to take additional steps to attach to a workspace later. For instructions on how to do this, see Attach a Kubernetes Cluster.
Use the following steps to create a new, air-gapped vSphere cluster.
Configure your cluster to use an existing local registry as a mirror when attempting to pull images:
IMPORTANT: The image must be created by Konvoy Image Builder in order to use the registry mirror feature.CODEexport REGISTRY_URL=<https/http>://<registry-address>:<registry-port> export REGISTRY_CA=<path to the CA on the bastion> export REGISTRY_USERNAME=<username> export REGISTRY_PASSWORD=<password>
: the address of an existing local registry accessible in the VPC that the new cluster nodes will be configured to use a mirror registry when pulling images.REGISTRY_CA
: (optional) the path on the bastion machine to the registry CA. Konvoy will configure the cluster nodes to trust this CA. This value is only needed if the registry is using a self-signed certificate and the AMIs are not already configured to trust this CA.REGISTRY_USERNAME
: optional, set to a user that has pull access to this registry.REGISTRY_PASSWORD
: optional if username is not set.
Load the image, using either the
command:CODEdocker load -i konvoy-bootstrap-image-v2.7.0.tar
CODEpodman load -i konvoy-bootstrap-image-v2.7.0.tar
Create a Kubernetes cluster by copying the following command and substituting the valid values for your environment:
dkp create cluster vsphere
--cluster-name ${CLUSTER_NAME} \
--network <NETWORK_NAME> \
--control-plane-endpoint-host <CONTROL_PLANE_IP> \
--data-center <DATACENTER_NAME> \
--data-store <DATASTORE_NAME> \
--folder <FOLDER_NAME> \
--ssh-public-key-file </path/to/key.pub> \
--resource-pool <RESOURCE_POOL_NAME> \
--vm-template konvoy-ova-vsphere-os-release-k8s_release-vsphere-timestamp \
--virtual-ip-interface <ip_interface_name> \
--extra-sans "" \
--registry-mirror-url=${REGISTRY_URL} \
--registry-mirror-cacert=${REGISTRY_CA} \
--registry-mirror-username=${REGISTRY_USERNAME} \
--registry-mirror-password=${REGISTRY_PASSWORD} \
--kubernetes-version=v1.27.11+fips.0 \
--kubernetes-image-repository=docker.io/mesosphere \
--etcd-image-repository=docker.io/mesosphere --etcd-version=3.5.10+fips.0 \
If your environment uses HTTP/HTTPS proxies, you must include the flags --http-proxy
, --https-proxy
, and --no-proxy
and their related values in this command for it to be successful. More information is available in Configuring an HTTP/HTTPS Proxy.
For bootstrap and custom YAML cluster creation, refer to the Custom Installation and Additional Infrastructure Tools section of the documentation for vSphere: Install vSphere in an Air-Gapped Environment or FIPS 140-2 Compliance for more FIPS details.
Cluster Verification
If you want to monitor or verify the installation of your clusters, refer to:
Verify your Cluster and DKP Installation.
As they progress, the controllers create Events, which you can also monitor using the command:
kubectl get events | grep ${CLUSTER_NAME}
For brevity, this example uses grep
. You can also use separate commands to get Events for specific objects, such as kubectl get events --field-selector involvedObject.kind="VSphereCluster"
and kubectl get events --field-selector involvedObject.kind="VSphereMachine"