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AI Navigator in Installations and Upgrades

Use of AI Navigator requires that you are logged in to a licensed copy of DKP. The AI chatbot is offered for Internet-connected environments regardless of DKP license type.

To help support heightened security in public sector, defense, and network-restricted customer environments, AI Navigator is not offered for air-gapped implementations.

Install DKP with AI Navigator

When installing this version of DKP for the first time, you have a choice as to whether you install AI Navigator.

To install the chatbot application, perform the installation according to the procedures for your chosen infrastructure provider, and DKP installs AI Navigator by default.

To disable AI Navigator, modify the Kommander configuration file after generating it, to disable the ai-navigator-app entry in the apps: section of the file.

You can find more information about the Kommander configuration file in the topic, DKP Kommander Configuration Reference.

If you want to the AI Navigator to include cluster live data, enable the DKP AI Navigator Cluster Info Agent: Obtain Live Cluster Information.

Upgrades to 2.7.0 and Later

By default, DKP installs the AI Navigator application as part of installing the Kommander component. DKP 2.6.0 installed AI Navigator by default as an experimental technical preview. However, beginning in DKP 2.6.1 and later, you have a choice to deactivate it. To disable AI Navigator, modify the Kommander configuration file after generating it, to disable the ai-navigator-app entry in the apps: section of the file.

For Upgrades in DKP Enterprise Environments

Under the DKP Enterprise upgrade section, expand the section for “For non-air-gapped environments.” Follow the instructions to add a CLI flag to the listed dkp upgrade kommander command to disable the chatbot.

For Upgrades in DKP Essential Environments

Under the DKP Essential upgrade section, expand the section for “For non-air-gapped environments.” Follow the instructions to add a CLI flag to the listed dkp upgrade kommander command to disable the chatbot.

Next Topic

Access the AI Navigator

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