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Cloud Director Create Image and Template

Create Image for Tenants

As a vSphere vCenter administrator, you will create the images for your VMWare Cloud Director (VCD) tenants.

  1. The vSphere Base OS Image and VM Template are made in vCenter for Ubuntu 20.04. For storage, the base image determines the minimum storage available for the VM.

  2. An OVA would be created from image for each VCD tenant accordingly.

  3. That image is exported from vSphere and imported into the catalog of the VCD tenant Organization catalog of vApp Templates.

Refer to the VMWare documentation for specifics on creating and deploying OVA for your tenants: Deploying OVF and OVA Templates and Working with vApp Templates.

If you have not already done so, create your base image and template in vSphere and import into the VCD tenant catalog to make available for tenant use.

Next Step

Cloud Director Bootstrap the Cluster

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