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AWS FIPS: Create an Image

Learn how to build a custom AMI for use with DKP

AMI images contain configuration information and software to create a specific, pre-configured, operating environment. For example, you can create an AMI image of your current computer system settings and software. The AMI image can then be replicated and distributed, creating your computer system for other users. You can use overrides files to customize some of the components installed on your machine image. For example, you could tell KIB to install the FIPS versions of the Kubernetes components.

This procedure describes how to use the Konvoy Image Builder (KIB) to create a Cluster API compliant Amazon Machine Image (AMI). KIB uses variable overrides to specify base image and container images to use in your new AMI.

In previous DKP releases, AMI images provided by the upstream CAPA project would be used if you did not specify an AMI. However, the upstream images are not recommended for production and may not always be available.   Therefore, DKP now requires you to specify an AMI when creating a cluster. To create an AMI, use Konvoy Image Builder.


Before you begin, you must:

Extract KIB Bundle

If not done previously during Konvoy Image Builder download in prerequisites, extract the bundle and cd into the extracted konvoy-image-bundle-$VERSION folder. Otherwise, proceed with creating the image. The bundled version of konvoy-image contains an embedded docker image that contains all the requirements for building.

The konvoy-image binary and all supporting folders are also extracted. When run, konvoy-image bind mounts the current working directory (${PWD}) into the container to be used.

  • Set environment variables for AWS access. The following variables must be set using your credentials including required IAM:

    export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
  • If you have an override file to configure specific attributes of your AMI file, add it. Instructions for customizing an override file are found on this page: Image Overrides

Non-air-gapped Environment Create FIPS-140 images

KIB can produce images containing FIPS-140 compliant binaries. Use the fips.yaml override file provided with the image bundles.

You can also find these override files in the Konvoy Image Builder repo.

  • A non-air-gapped example of override file use is the command below, which produces a FIPS-compliant image on RHEL 8.4 for AWS:
    Replace ami with your infrastructure provisioner

konvoy-image build --overrides overrides/fips.yaml images/ami/rhel-84.yaml

Related Information:

  • To use a local registry even in a non-air-gapped environment, download and extract the bundle. Download the Complete DKP Air-gapped Bundle for this release (i.e. dkp-air-gapped-bundle_v2.7.0_linux_amd64.tar.gz) to load registry.

  • Load the Registry

Next Step:

AWS FIPS: Create the Management Cluster

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