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Managed Cluster Requirements

To create additional clusters that will be managed by your Management cluster, please ensure you have at least the minimal recommendation of required resources below.

Minimum Recommendation for Managed Clusters:

Worker Nodes - At least four worker nodes with:

  • 8 CPU cores each

  • 12Gi of memory

  • A storage class and disk mounts that can accommodate at least four persistent volumes

NOTE: Four worker nodes are required in order to support upgrades to the rook-ceph platform application. rook-ceph is used to support the logging stack, the velero backup tool, and DKP Insights. If you have disabled the rook-ceph platform application, only three worker nodes are required.

Control Plane Nodes:

  • 8 CPU cores each

  • 12Gi of memory

NOTE: One control plane node is acceptable for a non-critical test environment, but any production workload must have at least three control planes.

The cluster needs:

  • default Storage Slass and four volumes of 32G, 32G, 2G, and 100G or the ability to create those volumes depending on the Storage Class:

$ kubectl get pv -A
NAME                                       CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   RECLAIM POLICY   STATUS   CLAIM                                                                          STORAGECLASS   REASON   AGE
pvc-08de8c06-bd66-40a3-9dd4-b0aece8ccbe8   32Gi       RWO            Delete           Bound    kommander-default-workspace/kubecost-cost-analyzer                             ebs-sc                  124m
pvc-64552486-7f4c-476a-a35d-19432b3931af   32Gi       RWO            Delete           Bound    kommander-default-workspace/kubecost-prometheus-server                         ebs-sc                  124m
pvc-972c3ee3-20bd-449b-84d9-25b7a06a6630   2Gi        RWO            Delete           Bound    kommander-default-workspace/kubecost-prometheus-alertmanager                   ebs-sc                  124m
pvc-98ab93f1-2c2f-46b6-b7d3-505c55437fbb   100Gi      RWO            Delete           Bound    kommander-default-workspace/db-prometheus-kube-prometheus-stack-prometheus-0   ebs-sc                  123m


NOTE: Actual workloads may demand more resources depending on usage.

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