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Enterprise: Upgrade Workspace Catalog Applications

Upgrade catalog applications using the CLI and UI

These pages refer to DKP Enterprise and DKP Gov Advanced products.

Upgrade the workspace Catalog Applications in kommander on each additional workspace on which catalog apps are deployed. Ensure that you have updated the actual DKP Catalog GitRepository from the previous page in order for the new apps to be available for upgrade as shown below:

Update the GitRepository with the tag of your updated DKP version on the kommander workspace:

kubectl patch gitrepository -n kommander dkp-catalog-applications --type merge --patch '{"spec":{"ref":{"tag":"v2.6.2"}}}'

This command updates the catalog application repositories for all workspaces.

For any additional Catalog GitRepository resources created outside the kommander.yaml configuration (e.g. such as in a project or workspace namespace), follow these steps:
Set the WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE environment variable to the namespace of the workspace:

export WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE=<workspace namespace>

Update the GitRepository for the additional workspace:

kubectl patch gitrepository -n ${WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE} dkp-catalog-applications --type merge --patch '{"spec":{"ref":{"tag":"v2.6.2"}}}'

Upgrade Catalog Applications

Before upgrading also, keep in mind the distinction between Platform applications and Catalog applications. Platform applications are deployed and upgraded as a set for each cluster or workspace. Catalog applications are deployed separately, so that you can deploy and upgrade them individually for each project.

Upgrade with UI

Follow these steps to upgrade an application from the DKP UI:

  1. From the top menu bar, select your target workspace.

  2. Select Applications from the sidebar menu.

  3. Select the three dot button from the bottom-right corner of the desired application tile, and then select Edit.

  4. Select the Version drop-down, and select a new version. This drop-down will only be available if there is a newer version to upgrade to.

  5. Select Save.

Upgrade with CLI

Please note that the below commands are using the workspace name and not namespace.
You can retrieve the workspace name by running the command:
dkp get workspaces
To view a list of the deployed apps to your workspace, you can run the command:
dkp get appdeployments --workspace=<workspace-name>

  1. To see what app(s) and app versions are available to upgrade, run the following command:
    NOTE: You can reference the app version by going into the app name (e.g. <APP ID>-<APP VERSION>)

    kubectl get apps -n ${WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE}

    You can also use this command to display the apps and app versions, for example:

    kubectl get apps -n ${WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE} -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{@.spec.appId}{"----"}{@.spec.version}{"\n"}{end}'

    Below is an example of an output that shows the different apps and apps versions.

  2. Run the following command to upgrade an application from the DKP CLI:

    dkp upgrade catalogapp <appdeployment-name> --workspace=${WORKSPACE_NAME} --to-version=<version.number>

As an example, the following command upgrades the Kafka Operator application, named kafka-operator-abc, in a workspace to version 0.25.1:

dkp upgrade catalogapp kafka-operator-abc --workspace=${WORKSPACE_NAME} --to-version=0.25.1

Platform applications cannot be upgraded on a one-off basis, and must be upgraded in a single process for each workspace. If you attempt to upgrade a platform application with these commands, you receive an error and the application is not upgraded.

From DKP 2.6, the following versions of Catalog applications are deprecated:

  • kafka-operator-0.20.0

  • kafka-operator-0.20.2

  • spark-operator-1.1.6

  • zookeeper-operator-0.2.13

If you plan on upgrading to DKP 2.6 or above, ensure that you upgrade these applications to the latest compatible version.

  • To find what versions of applications are available for upgrade, use kubectl:

    kubectl get apps -n ${WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE}

For more information, see Workspace DKP Catalog Applications.

Next Step:

Enterprise: Upgrade Project Catalog Applications

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