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Configure Custom Domains or Custom Certificates post Kommander Installation

This page contains instructions on how to set up custom certificates for any cluster type after installing DKP.

There are two configuration methods:

Configuration Method

WHILE installing the Kommander component

AFTER installing the Kommander component

Supported cluster types

Only Essential or Management clusters

All cluster types


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Configuration Options

After you have installed the Kommander component of DKP, you can configure a custom domain and certificate by modifying the KommanderCluster object of your cluster. You have several options to establish a custom domain and certificate.

Choose an ACME-supported Certificate Authority, if you want the cert-manager can automatically handle certificate renewal and rotation.

I want to use an automatically-generated certificate with ACME

Automatically-generated Certificate

Use a certificate that is managed automatically and supported by cert-manager:

  1. Create an Issuer or ClusterIssuer with your certificate provider information. Store this object in the cluster where you want to customize the certificate and domain.

    1. See Configuration Example with Let's Encrypt if you want to use DKP’s default certificate authority.

    2. For an advanced configuration example, see Configure the Kommander Installation with a Custom Domain and Certificate | basic, and select I want to use an automatically-generated certificate with ACME and require advanced configuration.

  2. Update the KommanderCluster by referencing the name of the created Issuer or ClusterIssuer in the spec.ingress.issuerRef field.
    Enter the custom domain name in the spec.ingress.hostname field:

    cat <<EOF | kubectl -n <workspace_namespace> --kubeconfig <management_cluster_kubeconfig> patch \ 
    kommandercluster <cluster_name>  --type='merge' --patch-file=/dev/stdin
        hostname: <cluster_hostname>
          name: <issuer_name>
          kind: Issuer # or ClusterIssuer depending on the issuer config

Certificates issued by another Issuer

You can also configure a certificate issued by another Certificate Authority. In this case, the CA will determine which information to include in the configuration.

I have a manually-generated certificate

Manually-generated Certificate

Use a manually-created certificate that is customized for your hostname.

  1. Obtain or create a certificate that is customized for your hostname. Store this object in the workspace namespace of the target cluster.

  2. Create a secret with the certificate in the cluster’s namespace. Give it a name by replacing <certificate_secret_name>:

    kubectl create secret generic -n "${WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE}" <certificate_secret_name> \
      --from-file=ca.crt=$CERT_CA_PATH \
      --from-file=tls.crt=$CERT_PATH \
      --from-file=tls.key=$CERT_KEY_PATH \
  3. Update the KommanderCluster by referencing this secret in the spec.ingress.certificateSecretRef field and provide the custom domain name in the spec.ingress.hostname:

    cat <<EOF | kubectl -n <workspace_namespace> --kubeconfig <management_cluster_kubeconfig> patch \ 
    kommandercluster <cluster_name>  --type='merge' --patch-file=/dev/stdin
        hostname: <cluster_hostname>
          name: <certificate_secret_name>

For Kommander to access the secret containing the certificate, it must be located in the workspace namespace of the target cluster.

Next Step:

Verify and Troubleshoot Domain and Certificate Customization

Related topics

Why Should You Set Up a Custom Domain or Certificate?

Configuration Example with Let's Encrypt

Advanced Configuration: ClusterIssuer

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