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Collecting systemd Logs from a Non-default Path

By default, Fluent Bit pods are configured to collect systemd logs from the /var/log/journal/ path on cluster nodes.

If systemd-journald running as a part of the OS on the nodes uses a different path for writing logs, you will need to override configuration of the fluent-bit AppDeployment to make Fluent Bit collect systemd logs.

To configure the Fluent Bit AppDeployment to collect systemd logs from a non-default path, follow these steps (all kubectl and dkp invocations refer to the management cluster):

  1. Execute the following command to get the namespace of the workspace in which you would like to configure Fluent Bit:

    dkp get workspaces

    And copy the value under the NAMESPACE column for your workspace.

  2. Set the WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE variable to the namespace copied in the previous step:

  3. Identify the systemd-journald log data storage path on the nodes of the clusters in the workspace by using the OS documentation and examining the systemd configuration.

    Usually it will be either /var/log/journal (typically used when systemd-journald is configured to store logs permanently; in this case the default Fluent Bit configuration should work) or /run/log/journal (typically used when systemd-journald is configured to use a volatile storage).

  4. Extract the default Helm values used by the Fluent Bit App:

    kubectl get -n ${WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE} configmaps fluent-bit-0.20.9-d2iq-defaults -o=jsonpath='{.data.values\.yaml}' > fluent-bit-values.yaml
  5. Edit the resulting file fluent-bit-values.yaml by removing all sections except for extraVolumes, extraVolumeMounts and config.inputs. The result should look similarly to this:

    # we create this to have a persistent tail-db directory an all nodes
    # otherwise a restarted fluent-bit would rescrape all tails
    - name: tail-db
        path: /var/log/tail-db
        type: DirectoryOrCreate
    # we create this to get rid of error messages that would appear on non control-plane nodes
    - name: kubernetes-audit
        path: /var/log/kubernetes/audit
        type: DirectoryOrCreate
    # needed for kmsg input plugin
    - name: uptime
        path: /proc/uptime
        type: File
    - name: kmsg
        path: /dev/kmsg
        type: CharDevice
    - name: tail-db
      mountPath: /tail-db
    - name: kubernetes-audit
      mountPath: /var/log/kubernetes/audit
    - name: uptime
      mountPath: /proc/uptime
    - name: kmsg
      mountPath: /dev/kmsg
      inputs: |
        # Collect audit logs, systemd logs, and kernel logs.
        # Pod logs are collected by the fluent-bit deployment managed by logging-operator.
            Name tail
            Alias kubernetes_audit
            Path /var/log/kubernetes/audit/*.log
            Parser kubernetes-audit
            DB /tail-db/audit.db
            Tag audit.*
            Refresh_Interval 10
            Rotate_Wait 5
            Mem_Buf_Limit 135MB
            Buffer_Chunk_Size 5MB
            Buffer_Max_Size 20MB
            Skip_Long_Lines Off
            Name systemd
            Alias kubernetes_host
            DB /tail-db/journal.db
            Tag host.*
            Max_Entries 1000
            Read_From_Tail On
            Strip_Underscores On
            Name kmsg
            Alias kubernetes_host_kernel
            Tag kernel
  6. Add the following item to the list under the extraVolumes key:

    - name: kubernetes-host
        path: <path to systemd logs on the node>
        type: Directory
  7. Add the following item to the list under the extraVolumeMounts key:

    - name: kubernetes-host
      mountPath: <path to systemd logs on the node>

    These items will make Kubernetes mount systemd logs into Fluent Bit pods.

  8. Add the following line into the [INPUT] entry identified by Name systemd and Alias kubernetes_host.

    Path <path to systemd logs on the node>

    This is needed to make Fluent Bit actually collect the mounted logs

  9. Assuming that the path to systemd logs on the node is /run/log/journal, the result will look similarly to this:

    # we create this to have a persistent tail-db directory an all nodes
    # otherwise a restarted fluent-bit would rescrape all tails
    - name: tail-db
        path: /var/log/tail-db
        type: DirectoryOrCreate
    # we create this to get rid of error messages that would appear on non control-plane nodes
    - name: kubernetes-audit
        path: /var/log/kubernetes/audit
        type: DirectoryOrCreate
    # needed for kmsg input plugin
    - name: uptime
        path: /proc/uptime
        type: File
    - name: kmsg
        path: /dev/kmsg
        type: CharDevice
    - name: kubernetes-host
        path: /run/log/journal
        type: Directory
    - name: tail-db
      mountPath: /tail-db
    - name: kubernetes-audit
      mountPath: /var/log/kubernetes/audit
    - name: uptime
      mountPath: /proc/uptime
    - name: kmsg
      mountPath: /dev/kmsg
    - name: kubernetes-host
      mountPath: /run/log/journal
      inputs: |
        # Collect audit logs, systemd logs, and kernel logs.
        # Pod logs are collected by the fluent-bit deployment managed by logging-operator.
            Name tail
            Alias kubernetes_audit
            Path /var/log/kubernetes/audit/*.log
            Parser kubernetes-audit
            DB /tail-db/audit.db
            Tag audit.*
            Refresh_Interval 10
            Rotate_Wait 5
            Mem_Buf_Limit 135MB
            Buffer_Chunk_Size 5MB
            Buffer_Max_Size 20MB
            Skip_Long_Lines Off
            Name systemd
            Alias kubernetes_host
            Path /run/log/journal
            DB /tail-db/journal.db
            Tag host.*
            Max_Entries 1000
            Read_From_Tail On
            Strip_Underscores On
            Name kmsg
            Alias kubernetes_host_kernel
            Tag kernel
  10. Create a ConfigMap manifest with override values from fluent-bit-values.yaml:

    cat <<EOF >fluent-bit-overrides.yaml
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      namespace: ${WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE}
      name: fluent-bit-overrides
      values.yaml: |
    $(cat fluent-bit-values.yaml | sed 's/^/    /g')
  11. Create a ConfigMap from the manifest above:

    kubectl apply -f fluent-bit-overrides.yaml
  12. Edit the fluent-bit AppDeployment to set the value of to the name of the created ConfigMap. (You can use the steps in the procedure, Deploy an Application with a Custom Configuration as a guide.)

    dkp edit appdeployment -n ${WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE} fluent-bit

    After your editing is complete, the AppDeployment resembles this example:

    kind: AppDeployment
      name: fluent-bit
      namespace: ${WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE}
        name: fluent-bit-0.20.9
        kind: ClusterApp
        name: fluent-bit-overrides
  13. Log in into the Grafana logging UI of your workspace and verify that logs with a label log_source=kubernetes_host are now present in Loki.

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