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Prerequisites for Install

Before you create a DKP image and deploy the initial DKP cluster, the operator's machine is required to be either an OSX or Linux based machine of a supported version. Ensure you have all the prerequisites met for both the Konvoy and Kommander component.

Additional prerequisites are necessary for air-gapped, so verify that you have all non-air-gapped met and then any additional air-gapped prerequisites as well.

If not already done, refer to Get Started section of the documentation for:

Prerequisites for the Konvoy Component

For DKP and Konvoy Image Builder to run, the operator machine requires:

Non-air-gapped (all environments)

In a non-air-gapped environment, your environment has two-way access to and from the Internet. Below are the prerequisites required if installing in a non-air-gapped environment:

  • An x86_64-based Linux or macOS machine.

  • The dkp binary on the bastion by downloading. To check which version of DKP you installed for compatibility reasons, run the dkp version command (dkp version).

  • A Container engine/runtime installed is required to install DKP:

    • Version Docker® container engine version 18.09.2 or higher installed for Linux or MacOS - On macOS, Docker runs in a virtual machine which needs configured with at least 8 GB of memory.

    • Version 4.0 of Podman or higher for Linux. Host requirements found here: Host Requirements

On macOS, Docker runs in a virtual machine. Configure this virtual machine with at least 8 GB of memory.

DKP requires permissions for the cloud provider that is being used. See the Supported Infrastructure Operating Systems page for further setup requirements.

Air-gapped (additional prerequisites)

In an air-gapped environment, your environment is isolated from unsecured networks, like the Internet, and therefore require additional considerations for installation. Below are the additional prerequisites required if installing in an air-gapped environment:

  • Linux machine (bastion) that has access to the existing VPC. (Instead of An x86_64-based Linux or macOS machine).

  • Ability to download artifacts from the internet and then copy those onto your bastion machine.

  • Download the Complete DKP Air-gapped Bundle for this release - dkp-air-gapped-bundle_v2.5.2_linux_amd64.tar.gz.

  • An existing local registry.

Prerequisites for Kommander Component

To install the Kommander component of DKP, ensure you meet the following prerequisites:

Non-air-gapped (all environments)

NOTE: If you want to customize your cluster’s domain or certificate, ensure you review the respective documentation sections:

Air-gapped (additional prerequisites)

In an air-gapped environment, your environment is isolated from unsecured networks, like the Internet, and therefore require additional considerations for installation. Below are the additional prerequisites required if installing in an air-gapped environment:

  • A local registry containing all the necessary installation images, including the Kommander images. See install scenarios for how to push the necessary images to this registry.

  • Connectivity with the clusters attaching to the management cluster:

    • Both management and attached clusters must be able to connect to the Docker registry.

    • The management cluster must be able to connect to all attached cluster’s API servers.

    • The management cluster must be able to connect to any load balancers created for platform services on the management cluster.

NOTE: If you want to customize your cluster’s domain or certificate, ensure you review the respective documentation sections:

Next Step or Return:

If using the Day 1- Basic Install instructions, proceed (or return) to that section Day 1 - Basic Installs by Infrastructure combinations to install and setup DKP based on your infrastructure environment provider.

If using the Custom Install instructions, proceed (or return) to that section and select the infrastructure provider you are using under Additional Infrastructure Customized Configuration.

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