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Enable DKP-Related Insights Alerts

By default, DKP Insights analyzes your environment and focuses on troubleshooting issues related to your organization’s workloads. This default configuration provides a baseline or reference point that you can use to start deploying workloads and observe the alerts they may cause.

However, to ensure compliance with CVE databases, or monitor DKP resources along with your workload resources, you can choose to allow DKP Insights to analyze and create alerts for underlying DKP resources and Kubernetes components as well.

You can do so by enabling a customization of DKP Insights per workspace.

DKP Insights displays alerts related to DiskFull and PVCFull regardless of whether they are rooted in your environment’s underlying DKP resources, Kubernetes resources, or one of your production workloads. Ensure you have allocated sufficient disk capacity and have assigned adequate storage in your PVC objects to allow your environment to run uninterruptedly, and ensure no data is lost.

Navigate to DKP Insights Configuration Service

To customize a DKP Insights Installation on a per-workspace basis:

  1. Log in to your DKP UI.

  2. Enterprise only: Select the target workspace from the top navigation bar.

  3. Select Applications from the sidebar and search for DKP Insights.

  4. Select the three-dot menu in the application card, and Edit > Configuration.

Add a Custom Configuration to Receive DKP Alerts

  1. To enable DKP-related Insight alerts, copy the following customization and paste it in the code editor:

           enabled: false
  2. Select Save and exit.

Repeat the configuration steps included in this page for each workspace.

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