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Uninstall DKP Insights

DKP Insights consists of two applications:

  • The Insights Management application or dkp-insights-management.

  • The Insights Engine application or dkp-insights.

To uninstall DKP Insights, disable both applications.

Disable DKP Insights Engine on the Management or Essential Cluster

Disable the DKP Insights Engine application on your Management or Essential cluster. You can use the UI or the CLI to do this.

Using the UI

Using the UI

Disable the DKP Insights Engine application on the Management/Essential cluster using the UI:

  1. Access the DKP UI.

  2. Select the Management Cluster Workspace from the top menu bar.

  3. Select Applications, and search for DKP Insights.

  4. Select Uninstall from the three-dot menu in the application card.

  5. Confirm that you want to uninstall by following the pop-up window.

  6. Wait until the application is removed completely before you continue with the deletion of persistent volume claims.

Verify that the application has been removed completely:

On the Management/Essential cluster

  1. Select Management Cluster or Cluster > Applications tab.

  2. Ensure DKP Insights is no longer deployed.

It can take up to several minutes for the Insights Engine to be deleted completely.

Using the CLI

Using the CLI

  1. Disable the DKP Insights Engine application on the Management/Essential cluster by deleting the dkp-insights AppDeployment:

    kubectl delete appdeployment -n kommander dkp-insights
  2. Wait until the HelmRelease is removed:

    kubectl -n kommander wait --for=delete helmrelease/dkp-insights --timeout=5m

It can take up to several minutes for the Insights Engine to be deleted completely.

Delete Persistent Volumes and Persistent Volume Claims on the Management or Essential Cluster

Ensure you delete all remaining data on the Management or Essential cluster, by deleting all Insights-related Persistent Volumes or PVs.

  1. Set the environment variable for the Management/Essential cluster:

    export KUBECONFIG=<management_cluster_kubeconfig>
  2. Delete all remaining data from the Engine clusters on any managed or attached clusters. To execute the following command:
    (info) Ensure your configuration references the cluster where the Insights Engine is installed. See Provide Context for Commands with a kubeconfig File for more information.
    (info) Ensure your configuration references the correct ${WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE}.

    kubectl delete pvc \
    data-dkp-insights-postgresql-0 \
    -n kommander
  3. Delete Insights-related data:

    kubectl delete insights --all -A 

If you have no additional clusters with Insights installed, go straight to the Disable DKP Insights Management section. If you do have other Managed or Attached clusters with Insights installed, continue with the following section.

Disable DKP Insights Engine on Additional Clusters

This is only required in Enterprise environments where you have installed DKP Insights on additional Managed or Attached clusters.

Using the UI

Using the UI

Disable the DKP Insights Engine application on additional clusters using the UI:

  1. Access the DKP UI.

  2. Select the target Workspace from the top menu bar.

  3. Select Applications, and search for DKP Insights.

  4. Select Uninstall from the three-dot menu in the application card.

  5. Confirm that you want to uninstall by following the pop-up window.

  6. Wait until the application is removed completely before you continue with the deletion of persistent volume claims.

Verify that the application has been removed completely:

On a Managed or Attached cluster:

  1. Select the target Workspace > Clusters > View Details > Applications tab.

  2. Ensure Insights is no longer deployed.

It can take up to several minutes for the Insights Engine to be deleted completely.

Using the CLI

Using the CLI

  1. Export the environment variable for the target workspace:
    (info) To list all workspaces and their namespaces, use kubectl get workspaces.

    export WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE=<target_workspace_namespace>
  2. Disable the DKP Insights Engine application on all attached/managed clusters by deleting the dkp-insights AppDeployment:

    kubectl delete appdeployment -n ${WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE} dkp-insights
  3. Wait until the HelmRelease is removed:

    kubectl -n ${WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE} wait --for=delete helmrelease/dkp-insights --timeout=5m

It can take up to several minutes for the Insights Engine to be deleted completely.

Delete Persistent Volumes on Additional Clusters

Ensure you delete all remaining data by deleting Insights-related PVs. This is only required in Enterprise environments where you have installed DKP Insights on additional Managed or Attached clusters.

  1. Set the environment variable for the Management/Essential cluster:

    export KUBECONFIG=<attached/managed_cluster_kubeconfig>
  2. Delete all remaining data from the Engine clusters on any managed or attached clusters. To execute the following command:
    (info) Ensure your configuration references the cluster where the Insights Engine is installed. See Provide Context for Commands with a kubeconfig File for more information.
    (info) Ensure your configuration references the correct ${WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE}.

    kubectl delete pvc \
    data-dkp-insights-postgresql-0 \
  3. Delete Insights-related data:

    kubectl delete insights --all -A 

Disable DKP Insights Management

Disable the DKP Insights Management application on the Management/Essential cluster by deleting the dkp-insights-management AppDeployment:

kubectl delete appdeployment -n kommander dkp-insights-management
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