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Using Override Files with Konvoy Image Builder

Learn how to use override files with Konvoy Imgage builder

You can use overrides files to customize some of the components installed on your machine image. For example, you could tell KIB to install the FIPS versions of the Kubernetes components. You could also add offline overrides used for air-gapped environments. That will upload the necessary OS packages and other files to the image, so that KIB doesn't try to look for those using the Internet.  Or you could use an override file to provide similar configurations for using a GPU-enabled cluster. The KIB base override files are located in this Github repository

You can only change certain, predefined parameters using this mechanism. The set of parameters you can change depends on which of the supported infrastructure providers you are using. For example, for vSphere, there are many settings that you use to tell the KIB how to talk to your vCenter implementation, where to store the images, which credentials to use, and so on.

Konvoy Image Builder uses override files to configure specific attributes. These files provide information to override default values for certain parts of your image file. These override files can modify the version and parameters of the image description and the Ansible playbook.

There are 2 types of override files:

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