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konvoy-image create-package-bundle

build os package bundles for airgapped installs

konvoy-image create-package-bundle [flags]


create-package-bundle --os redhat-8.4 --output-directory=artifacts


      --container-image string      A container image to use for building the package bundles
      --fips                        If the package bundle should include fips packages.
  -h, --help                        help for create-package-bundle
      --kubernetes-version string   The version of kubernetes to download packages for.
      --os string                   The target OS you wish to create a package bundle for. Must be one of [centos-7.9 redhat-7.9 redhat-8.4 redhat-8.6 redhat-8.8 rocky-9.1 ubuntu-18.04 ubuntu-20.04 oracle-9.4]
      --output-directory string     The directory to place the bundle in. (default "artifacts")

Options inherited from parent commands

      --color     enable color output (default true)
  -v, --v int     select verbosity level, should be between 0 and 6
      --verbose   enable debug level logging (same as --v 5)
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