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dkp create package-bundle

Create Operating System package bundle for one of [oracle-9.4, rhel-8.10, rhel-8.8, rocky-9.1, rocky-9.5, ubuntu-20.04, ubuntu-22.04]

dkp create package-bundle OSName [flags]


      --artifacts-directory string   Path to a directory for storing OS package bundles. The directory must already exist.
      --container-image string       A container image to use for building the package bundles
      --fips                         Creats FIPS compliant packages
  -h, --help                         help for package-bundle
      --kubernetes-version string    kubernetes version used to build packages (default "1.31.4")
  -v, --verbose int                  Output verbosity


  • dkp create - Create one of [appdeployment, bootstrap, bundle, capi-components, catalog, chart-bundle, cluster, image, image-bundle, metadata, nodepool, package-bundle, workspace]
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