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dkp create image nutanix

Create Nutanix Machine Image for one of [rhel-8.10, rocky-9.5, ubuntu-22.04]

dkp create image nutanix OSName [flags]


      --artifacts-directory string      Path to a directory containing the artifacts needed to build the OS image. Useful in an air-gapped environment
      --bastion-host string             IP or hostname for bastion
      --bastion-port int                SSH port of the bastion host (default 22)
      --bastion-private-key-file file   Path to a PEM encoded private key file to use to authenticate with the bastion host
      --bastion-username string         The username to connect to the bastion host
      --cluster string                  Name of the Nutanix cluster.
      --debug                           Run packer in debug mode. user will be prompted after each step while building the image.
      --dry-run                         Do not create artifacts, or delete them after creating. Recommended for tests.
      --endpoint string                 Host URL or IP for the Nutanix Prism Central instance.
      --extra-build-name string         Additional name to add in the OS image name
      --fips                            Enable FIPS support
      --gpu                             Enable GPU support
      --gpu-name string                 Assigns a GPU that is present on cluster-name on the temporary vm.
  -h, --help                            help for nutanix
      --insecure                        Connect with Prism without verifying CA certificates.
      --kubernetes-version string       kubernetes version used to build packages (default "1.31.4")
      --overrides fileSlice             A comma separated list of override YAML files. (default [])
      --port int                        Port for the Nutanix Prism Central instance. (default 9440)
      --source-image string             Base Image name or UUID used as a disk source. If the image name is not provided then upstream base image for the OS will be downloaded.
      --subnet string                   Nutanix subnet name or UUID to use with the virtual machine.
      --work-directory string           Path to a directory to use as a workspace to build the OS image. The directory must already exist.

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --verbose int   Output verbosity


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