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Create FIPS 140 Images: Air-gapped Environment

KIB can produce images containing FIPS-140 compliant binaries. Use the fips.yaml override file provided with the image bundles.

You can also find these override files in the Konvoy Image Builder repo.


The below snippets will create images with FIPS-compliant Kubernetes components. If you need the underlying OS to be FIPS-compliant, then you will need to provide the specific FIPS-compliant OS image, using the --source-ami flag for AWS.

  • An air-gapped environment example of override file use is the command below which produces an AWS FIPS-compliant image on RHEL 8.4:

konvoy-image build --overrides offline-fips.yaml --overrides overrides/fips.yaml images/ami/rhel-84.yaml
  • vSphere FIPS-compliant air-gapped environment example:

konvoy-image build --overrides offline-fips.yaml --overrides overrides/fips.yaml images/ova/<image.yaml>

Pre-provisioned FIPS Infrastructure

If you are targeting a Pre-provisioned Installs, you can create a FIPS-compliant cluster by doing the following:

  1. Create a Pre-provisioned: Bootstrap Cluster

  2. Create a secret on the bootstrap cluster with the contents from fips.yamloverride file and any other user overrides you wish to provide

kubectl create secret generic $CLUSTER_NAME-fips-overrides --from-file=overrides.yaml=overrides.yaml
kubectl label secret $CLUSTER_NAME-fips-overrides

Here is a list of FIPS Override Files.

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