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AWS Custom AMI

To use a custom AMI when creating your cluster, you must create that AMI using Konvoy Image Builder(KIB) first.

Then perform the export and name the custom AMI for use in the command dkp create cluster after this step:

export AWS_AMI_ID=ami-<ami-id-here>

IMPORTANT: The AMI must be created with Konvoy Image Builder in order to use the registry mirror feature.

Set the environment variable for the AMI you choose during the dkp create cluster command. This will output the generated manifest into a new file as shown in the example command:

dkp create cluster aws --cluster-name=${CLUSTER_NAME} \ 
--ami=${AWS_AMI_ID} \ 
--dry-run \ 
--output=yaml \ 
> ${CLUSTER_NAME}.yaml

This step will be performed during both AWS Install in a Non-air-gapped Environment and AWS Install in an Air-gapped Environment and explained prior to cluster creation on a page in both of those scenarios:

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AWS Registry Mirrors

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