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Applications Deployment in a Workspace

Print and Review the Current State of an AppDeployment Resource

If you want to know how the AppDeployment resource is currently configured, use the commands below to print a table of the declared information. If the AppDeployment is configured for several clusters in a workspace, a column will display a list of the clusters.

Review all AppDeployments in a workspace

To review the state of the AppDeployment resource for a specific workspace, run the get command with the name of your workspace, as in this example:

dkp get appdeployments -w kommander-workspace

The output should contain a list of all your applications, here is an example:

kube-oidc-proxy                 kube-oidc-proxy-0.3.2           host-cluster
kube-prometheus-stack           kube-prometheus-stack-46.8.0    host-cluster
kubecost                        kubecost-0.35.1                 host-cluster
Review a specific AppDeployment of an application in a workspace

To review the state of a specific AppDeployment of an application, run the get command with the name of the application and your workspace, as in this example:

dkp get appdeployment kube-prometheus-stack -w kommander-workspace

The output should look similar to this:

kube-prometheus-stack kube-prometheus-stack-46.8.0 host-cluster

Deployment Scope

In a single-cluster environment with an Essential license, AppDeployments enable customizing any platform application.

In a multi-cluster environment with an Enterprise license, AppDeployments enable workspace-level, project-level, and per-cluster deployment and customization of workspace applications.

Use Case Example

As a user, I have multiple clusters in a Workspace. I want to enable an application into some, but not all clusters in that workspace. I also want to enable a custom configuration.

To define which cluster should have an Application deployed onto them, use the AppDeployment’s spec.clusterSelector field.

The user can edit the AppDeployment at any time to add or remove clusters from the spec.

Enable Workspace Applications for a subset of clusters and custom configurations for each cluster:

  1. Create an AppDeployment using dkp create appdeployment to enable and disable clusters, and set cluster config overrides per cluster:

    dkp create appdeployment
  2. Use the code editor to directly edit the AppDeployment spec to:

    1. Enable or disable clusters

    2. Add or remove cluster config overrides for clusters

      dkp edit appdeployment APPDEPLOYMENT_NAME -n NAMESPACE

      EX: dkp edit appdeployment kube-oidc-proxy -n kommander

NAMESPACE is the namespace in which the AppDeployment resides - this can be a Workspace or a Project Namespace. To list all available workspace namespaces, run kubectl get workspaces.

  1. TROUBLESHOOT: For up-to-date status on which clusters an application has been enabled, or what configuration overrides have been applied to each cluster, check the AppDeployment status:

    dkp get appdeployment
  2. Use to get the entire YAML object, including cluster config overrides that might be set on a cluster - similar to kubectl get appdeployment.

    dkp get appdeployment --output yaml

    Example Output:

    kind: AppDeployment
      generation: 1  # this means there is only one instance of the application, must match with the number of instances you expect to see
      name: kube-oidc-proxy  # APP ID of the application as displayed in the Release Notes
      namespace: kommander # equal to the workspace namespace of the workspace where the app is deployed
        kind: ClusterApp    
        name: kube-oidc-proxy-0.3.2 # APP ID with the app version as displayed in the Release Notes
      clusterConfigOverrides:  # present only for apps with custom configurations
      - clusterSelector:   # present only for workspaces with several clusters    
   host-cluster  # cluster name where app is deployed  
        configMapName: kube-oidc-proxy-host-cluster  # name of the ConfigMap file that contains the Overrides with the custom configuration for this specific cluster
        - key:      
          operator: In      
          - host-cluster # cluster name where app is deployed
      - clusterConfigOverridesRef:      
        name: kube-oidc-proxy-host-cluster # name of the ConfigMap file that contains the Overrides with the custom configuration for this specific cluster   
      - status: "True" # must be True for app to be deployed successfully       
        type: AppDeploymentEnabled    
      name: host-cluster  
    observedGeneration: 1 

Verify Applications

The applications are now enabled. Connect to the attached cluster and check the HelmReleases to verify the deployment:

kubectl get helmreleases -n ${WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE}

The output looks similar to this:

NAMESPACE               NAME               READY   STATUS                             AGE
workspace-test-vjsfq    kafka-operator     True    Release reconciliation succeeded   7m3s

Next Topic

Application YAML Customizations

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