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Application Discovery Commands

Application definitions originate from the source Git repo. These are configured in-cluster for Flux to consume. You can use common kubectl verbs to investigate status and gather log data to help determine any problem areas:

  • Leverage kubectl to investigate the Git repo:

    • CODE
      kubectl get gitrepository -A


    • CODE
      kubectl describe -n <namespace> gitrepository <name>
  • Check status logs of the source-controller pod:

    • CODE
      kubectl describe -n kommander-flux deploy/source-controller


      kubectl logs -n kommander-flux deploy/source-controller --tail -1
  • Verify the status of the associated Apps, ClusterApps and AppDeployments:

    • CODE
      kubectl get apps,clusterapps,appdeployments -A
  • Check the status and logs of the kommander-appmanagement pod:

    • CODE
      kubectl describe -n kommander deploy/kommander-appmanagement


      kubectl logs -n kommander deploy/kommander-appmanagement --tail -1
  • Kustomizations -

    • Check the status of all Kustomizations created by AppDeployment:

      • CODE
        kubectl get kustomization -A


      • CODE
        kubectl describe -n <namespace> kustomization <name>
    •  Check into the status and logs of the kustomize-controller pod since it manages Kustomizations  in the kommander-flux Namespace.

      • CODE
        kubectl describe -n kommander-flux deploy/kustomize-controller


      • CODE
        kubectl logs -n kommander-flux deploy/kustomize-controller --tail -1
  • HelmRelease -

    • HelmRelease(s) are deployed by each Kustomization and for the Application to function, these resources must be in the “Ready” state. To check:

      • CODE
        kubectl get helmrelease -A


      • CODE
        kubectl describe -n <namespace> helmrelrease <name>
    • Each HelmRelease also consumes a HelmChart. We can ensure the status of HelmCharts with:

      • CODE
        kubectl get helmchart -A


      • CODE
        kubectl describe -n <namespace> helmchart <name>
    • The controller that manages HelmReleases and HelmCharts is the helm-controller in the kommander-flux Namespace. It can be helpful to check into the status and logs of the helm-controller pod:

      • CODE
        kubectl describe -n kommander-flux deploy/helm-controller


      • CODE
        kubectl logs -n kommander-flux deploy/helm-controller --tail -1

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Workspace Discovery Commands

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