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Ansible Variables

Ansible variables are generally preset when using KIB. To change the variables, you change the Ansible runbook or preprogrammed playbook.

Example ansible_vars.yaml:

build_name: ubuntu-20
download_images: true
kubernetes_full_version: 1.28.7
kubernetes_version: 1.28.7
  ami_filter_name: ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-focal-20.04-amd64-server*
  ami_filter_owners: "099720109477"
  distribution: Ubuntu
  distribution_version: "20.04"
  dry_run: false
  goss_arch: amd64
  goss_entry_file: goss/goss.yaml
  goss_format: json
  goss_format_options: pretty
  goss_inspect_mode: false
  goss_tests_dir: goss
  goss_url: null
  goss_vars_file: ansible/group_vars/all/system.yaml
  goss_version: 0.3.16
  root_device_name: /dev/sda1
  source_ami: ""
  ssh_username: ubuntu
  volume_size: "15"
packer_builder_type: amazon
python_path: ""
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