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DKP 2.7.2 Deprecations

Catalog Applications Compatibility

The following versions of these Catalog applications are considered deprecated in DKP 2.7:

  • All versions of kafka-operator app except for 0.25.1

  • The default kafka and cruise-controlimages used by kafka-operator; we recommend you set explicit versions of these images as documented here: Kafka in a Workspace

  • All versions of the zookeeper-operator app, except for 0.2.15-dkp.1

If you plan on upgrading to DKP 2.7, ensure that you upgrade these applications to the latest compatible version.

For more information, see Workspace DKP Catalog Applications - Compatibility.

Spark Operator Removed in DKP 2.7

Starting from DKP 2.7, D2iQ has discontinued support for all versions of Spark Operator in the DKP Catalog, because the upstream operator is no longer maintained. As a result, the Spark Operator is no longer available for use in DKP releases.

Spark Operator remains available in DKP 2.6.1 and previous versions.

Pre-provisioned Removal of Flatcar Flag

In previous releases, when provisioning onto the Flatcar Container Linux distribution, you instructed the bootstrap cluster to make some changes related to the installation paths. To accomplish this, you added the --os-hint flatcar flag to the dkp create cluster command. Starting with this release, that flag is no longer required for Pre-provisioned environments.

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