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Pre-Provisioned Override Files

Pre-provisioned environments require certain override files to work properly. The override files can contain HTTP Proxy info and other factors, including whether you want the image to be FIPS-enabled, NVIDIA optimized, and so on.

Those override files must also have a Secret that includes all of the overrides you wish to provide in one file.

Prior to DKP 2.6, you had to specify the proxy in the KIB override setup and then again in the create cluster command, even though in this case they would always both use the exact same proxy setting. As of DKP 2.6, an HTTP proxy gets created from the Konvoy flags for the control plane proxy and workers proxy values. The flags in the DKP command for Preprovisioned clusters populate a Secret automatically in the bootstrap cluster. That Secret has a known name that the Preprovisioned controller finds and applies when it runs the KIB provisioning job.

The nodes that get Kuberenetes on them through CAPPP automatically get the HTTP proxy secrets that you set using the flags. You no longer have to put the proxy info in both the overrides AND the create cluster command as an argument.

For example, if you wish to provide an override with Docker credentials and a different source for EPEL on a CentOS7 machine, you can create a file like this:

- host: ""
  username: "my-user"
  password: "my-password"
  auth: ""
  identityToken: ""

For RHEL Pre-provisioned using GPU, provide the following additional lines of information in your override file:

rhsm_user: ""

rhsm_password: ""

See Example below:

- host: ""
  username: "my-user"
  password: "my-password"
  auth: ""
  identityToken: ""
rhsm_user: ""
rhsm_password: ""
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