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Enterprise: Upgrade the Management Cluster Core Addons

Upgrade the Core Addons on the Management Cluster.

These pages refer to DKP Enterprise and DKP Gov Advanced products.

For Pre-provisioned air-gapped environments only, you must run konvoy-image upload artifacts to copy the artifacts onto the cluster hosts before you begin the Upgrade the CAPI Components section below.

konvoy-image upload artifacts \
    --container-images-dir=./artifacts/images/ \
    --os-packages-bundle=./artifacts/$OS_PACKAGES_BUNDLE \
    --containerd-bundle=artifacts/$CONTAINERD_BUNDLE \

To install the core addons, DKP relies on the ClusterResourceSet Cluster API feature. In the CAPI component upgrade, we deleted the previous set of outdated global ClusterResourceSets because in past releases, some addons were installed using a global configuration. In order to support individual cluster upgrades, DKP now installs all addons with a unique set of ClusterResourceSets and corresponding referenced resources, all named using the cluster’s name as a suffix. For example: calico-cni-installation-my-aws-cluster.

If you have modified any of the ClusterResourceSet definitions, these changes will not be preserved when running the command dkp upgrade addons <provider>. You must define the cloud provider before you use the --dry-run -o yaml options to save the new configuration to a file and remake the same changes upon each upgrade.

Your cluster comes preconfigured with a few different core addons that provide functionality to your cluster upon creation. These include: CSI, CNI, Cluster Autoscaler, and Node Feature Discovery. New versions of DKP may come pre-bundled with newer versions of these addons.

Perform the following steps to update these addons:

  1. If you have any additional managed clusters, you will need to upgrade the core addons and Kubernetes version for each one.

  2. Ensure your dkp configuration references the management cluster where you want to run the upgrade by setting the KUBECONFIG environment variable, or using the --kubeconfig flag, in accordance with Kubernetes conventions.

  3. Upgrade the core addons in a cluster using the dkp upgrade addons command specifying the cluster infrastructure (choose aws, azure, vsphere, eks,gcp, preprovisioned) and the name of the cluster.

If you need to verify or discover your cluster name to use with this example, first run the kubectl get clusters command.

Examples for upgrade core addons commands:

export CLUSTER_NAME=my-azure-cluster
dkp upgrade addons azure --cluster-name=${CLUSTER_NAME}


export CLUSTER_NAME=my-aws-cluster
dkp upgrade addons aws --cluster-name=${CLUSTER_NAME}

The output for the AWS example should be similar to:

Generating addon resources upgraded
configmap/calico-cni-installation-my-aws-cluster upgraded upgraded
configmap/tigera-operator-my-aws-cluster upgraded upgraded
configmap/aws-ebs-csi-my-aws-cluster upgraded upgraded
configmap/cluster-autoscaler-my-aws-cluster upgraded upgraded
configmap/node-feature-discovery-my-aws-cluster upgraded upgraded
configmap/nvidia-feature-discovery-my-aws-cluster upgraded

See Also:

DKP upgrade addons for more CLI command help.

Next Step:

Enterprise: Upgrade the Management Cluster Kubernetes Version

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