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Errors Related to CAPI Resources

These pages refer to DKP Enterprise and DKP Gov Advanced products.

Failed Condition Reason: FailedToIdentifyCAPIResources

kubeconfigRef points to the wrong secret

Verify the KommanderCluster object of both your Essential and Enterprise clusters. The of each object should point to a valid kubeconfig secret.

  1. Download the referenced kubeconfig to your local machine:

    kubectl get secret -n <WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE> <cluster_name>-kubeconfig -o jsonpath='{.data.value}' | base64 --decode > <cluster_name>-kubeconfig
  2. Verify if the kubeconfig is valid:

    kubectl get namespaces -A --kubeconfig <cluster_name>-kubeconfig
  3. Verify the output of the previous command:

No errors in the output

If your output shows no errors, the error message is not related to a kubeconfig.

Error in the output

If the output shows an error, delete the KommanderCluster object via CLI:

kubectl delete kommandercluster -n <WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE> <WRONG_KOMMANDER_CLUSTER>

(info) At this particular stage and in the context of converting your cluster, deleting your KommanderCluster will not affect your environment. However, DO NOT delete your KommanderCluster in other scenarios, as it detaches the referenced cluster from the Management cluster.

Finally, restart the cluster conversion process with the UI or CLI.

Essential cluster has more than one instance of v1beta1/

D2iQ does not support converting Essential clusters that contain the Cluster API resources of more than one cluster.

Ensure your Essential cluster only contains its own CAPI resources and does not contain the CAPI resources of other clusters.

Next Topic:

Restore your Backup and Retry the Cluster Expansion

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