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konvoy-image upload artifacts

upload offline artifacts to hosts defined in inventory-file

konvoy-image upload artifacts [flags]


      --container-images-dir string   path to container images for install on remote hosts.
      --containerd-bundle string      path to Containerd tar file for install on remote hosts.
      --extra-vars strings            flag passed Ansible's extra-vars
  -h, --help                          help for artifacts
      --inventory-file string         an ansible inventory defining your infrastructure (default "inventory.yaml")
      --nvidia-runfile string         path to nvidia runfile to place on remote hosts.
      --os-packages-bundle string     path to os-packages tar file for install on remote hosts.
      --overrides strings             a comma separated list of override YAML files
      --pip-packages-bundle string    path to pip-packages tar file for install on remote hosts.
      --work-dir string               path to custom work directory generated by the command

Options inherited from parent commands

      --color     enable color output (default true)
  -v, --v int     select verbosity level, should be between 0 and 6
      --verbose   enable debug level logging (same as --v 5)


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