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konvoy-image generate azure

generate files relating to building azure images

konvoy-image generate azure <image.yaml> [flags]


azure --location westus2 --subscription-id <sub_id> images/azure/centos-79.yaml


      --client-id string                      the client id to use for the build
      --cloud-endpoint string                 Azure cloud endpoint. Which can be one of [Public USGovernment China] (default "Public")
      --containerd-version string             the version of containerd to install
      --extra-vars strings                    flag passed Ansible's extra-vars
      --gallery-image-locations stringArray   a list of locations to publish the image (default [westus])
      --gallery-image-name string             the gallery image name to publish the image to
      --gallery-image-offer string            the gallery image offer to set (default "dkp")
      --gallery-image-publisher string        the gallery image publisher to set (default "dkp")
      --gallery-image-sku string              the gallery image sku to set
      --gallery-name string                   the gallery name to publish the image in (default "dkp")
  -h, --help                                  help for azure
      --instance-type string                  the Instance Type to use for the build (default "Standard_D2s_v3")
      --kubernetes-version string             The version of kubernetes to install. Example: 1.21.6
      --location string                       the location in which to build the image (default "westus2")
      --overrides strings                     a comma separated list of override YAML files
      --resource-group string                 the resource group to create the image in (default "dkp")
      --subscription-id string                the subscription id to use for the build
      --tenant-id string                      the tenant id to use for the build

Options inherited from parent commands

      --color     enable color output (default true)
  -v, --v int     select verbosity level, should be between 0 and 6
      --verbose   enable debug level logging (same as --v 5)


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