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Configure Infrastructure in UI

This page refers to working inside the AWS Console in order to add Infrastructure Provider.

Create Infrastructure Provider

To configure an AWS Provider with a User Role in the AWS Console (UI), perform the following steps:

  1. From the top menu bar, select your target workspace.

  2. Select Infrastructure Providers in the Administration section of the sidebar menu.

  3. Select the Add Infrastructure Provider button.

  4. Select the Amazon Web Services (AWS) option.

  5. Ensure Role is selected as the Authentication Method.

  6. Enter a name for your infrastructure provider. Select a name that matches the AWS user.

  7. Enter the Role ARN.

  8. You can add an External ID if you share the Role with a 3rd party. External IDs secure your environment from accidentally used roles. Read more about External IDs.

  9. Select Save to save your provider.

Fill out the Add Infrastructure Provider Form

To fill out the Add Infrastructure Provider form in the AWS Console using Static Credentials, perform the following steps:

  1. In Kommander, select the Workspace associated with the credentials you are adding.

  2. Navigate to Administration > Infrastructure Providers and click the Add Infrastructure Provider button.

  3. Select the Amazon Web Services (AWS) option.

  4. Ensure Static is selected as the Authentication Method.

  5. Enter a name for your infrastructure provider for later reference. Consider choosing a name that matches the AWS user.

  6. Fill out the access and secret keys using the keys generated above.

  7. Select Save to save your provider.

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