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NKP 2.13.0 Features and Enhancements

The following improvements are included in this release:

Kubernetes 1.30.5 Support

NKP supports Kubernetes 1.30.5 and provides the latest features and security fixes in upstream Kubernetes.

To read more about the major features in the Kubernetes 1.30.5 release, see and .

Konvoy Image Builder v2.18.0

Features in the latest release of Konvoy Image Builder are designed to give you the latest enhancements. This version provides the list of features and bumps below.

  • Supports Kubernetes 1.30.5

NC2 AWS and NC2 Azure Support

NKP 2.13 can now be deployed on NC2 Azure or NC2 AWS.

Improved Kubernetes Upgrade Process for NKP Clusters on Nutanix AHV

NKP 2.13 offers an enhanced upgrade process for NKP 2.12 clusters on Nutanix AHV to NKP 2.13.

Oracle Linux 9.4 Support on vSphere

NKP 2.13 supports Oracle Linux 9.4 for NKP clusters on vSphere.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8.10 Support on Nutanix AHV

NKP 2.13 supports Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8.10 for NKP clusters on Nutanix AHV.

Ubuntu 22.04 Support on vSphere

NKP 2.13 supports Ubuntu 22.04 on vSphere.

Ubuntu 22.04 Support on vCloud Director

NKP 2.13 supports Ubuntu 22.04 on vCloud Director.

Provision to Add Nutanix AI as an NKP Application

NKP 2.13 allows you to add a Nutanix AI endpoint as an NKP application.

NKP CLI Support to add Passthrough GPUs to Clusters

NKP 2.13 allows you to configure passthrough GPUs forNKPclusters on Nutanix AHV using the NKP CLI.

Support for Managing Node Pools Using the NKP UI

NKP 2.13 allows you to manage NKP node pools for NKP clusters running on Nutanix AHV using the NKP UI.

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